Being a mom is so hard! No, being a GOOD mom all the time is so hard! I try to stay calm and act with patience but that doesn’t always happen in the heat of the moment. When I make a mistake and yell at my kids and then see the look in her eyes, how I made her feel by yelling at her, I just feel like crap! I feel like such a terrible mom! But then I will get upset just a few minutes later at something else she does or get upset about something else that is bugging me and then it’s feeling like crap all over again. I hate yelling and boy do I try my darn-est not to yell at my kids (mainly Madi) but I am not perfect. And I am not patient all the time either and well, today was one of those days… I just felt like crap all day long! I never will be a perfect mom, all by myself at least. I know I need my Heavenly Father’s help every day, especially with raising my kids and being a loving wife. But I still feel horrible when those “todays” happen and when I mess up so bad and can’t be that perfect mom for them. But I am grateful for repentance and that Madi is so loving and forgiving…even when her mommy is so full of well, “crap”. I may not be the most patient and kind mommy, and I have often put myself in time out when I yell or get mad (which Madi thinks is funny when mommy puts her nose in the corner but I hope it helps her realize that mommy makes mistakes too and tries to admit them when she does). I love being a mom, even though it is the hardest job on the planet! I love my little girls so much. They are my pride and joy and I wouldn't change a thing! I hope they know just how much I love them!
June 30, 2008
"One of those days..."
Being a mom is so hard! No, being a GOOD mom all the time is so hard! I try to stay calm and act with patience but that doesn’t always happen in the heat of the moment. When I make a mistake and yell at my kids and then see the look in her eyes, how I made her feel by yelling at her, I just feel like crap! I feel like such a terrible mom! But then I will get upset just a few minutes later at something else she does or get upset about something else that is bugging me and then it’s feeling like crap all over again. I hate yelling and boy do I try my darn-est not to yell at my kids (mainly Madi) but I am not perfect. And I am not patient all the time either and well, today was one of those days… I just felt like crap all day long! I never will be a perfect mom, all by myself at least. I know I need my Heavenly Father’s help every day, especially with raising my kids and being a loving wife. But I still feel horrible when those “todays” happen and when I mess up so bad and can’t be that perfect mom for them. But I am grateful for repentance and that Madi is so loving and forgiving…even when her mommy is so full of well, “crap”. I may not be the most patient and kind mommy, and I have often put myself in time out when I yell or get mad (which Madi thinks is funny when mommy puts her nose in the corner but I hope it helps her realize that mommy makes mistakes too and tries to admit them when she does). I love being a mom, even though it is the hardest job on the planet! I love my little girls so much. They are my pride and joy and I wouldn't change a thing! I hope they know just how much I love them!
June 29, 2008
Ward Party!
"It hurts, it hurts!"
June 27, 2008
Bad habits sometimes never die!
Ryan and I met the first week I started college and dated all summer. Well the summer semester was just ending and I was going home for the fall and would start back in the spring. At the time I didn't have a car, so Ryan offered to take me home. How nice, huh? He obviously wanted to see what my family was like before getting any closer to me. We drive to Boise and get to my house. Ryan meets everyone for the first time and everything is going great.... My family loves him, he loves my family....sweet! Then it came time to get ready for bed. Ryan and I headed to the bathroom to brush our teeth. Ryan asked to borrow some toothpaste, and immediately I froze as a flashback of what our toothpaste can sometimes look like flashed across my mind... (Now before I went off to college, all my brothers and sisters and me included, had the bad habit of grabbing the toothpaste and just squeezing it anywhere on the tube making big globs all over the top. We did that everytime and eventually the top of the toothpaste would get SO clumpy and crusty that the next time we went to use it, we would never know where it would squirt out next! Gross huh? But if you think that is bad, after we globbed it onto our toothbrush, we would just throw it back in the drawer with all the other brushes, combs, bobbypins and whatever else would get put in that drawer...sometimes getting hairs stuck in it! I know, I know... totally nasty!! Yet, my siblings (and sadly I have to included myself) didn't care! We probably ended up wasting hundreds of tubes of toothpaste all together, in our quest to squeeze the life out of it! ) SO you can just imagine my horror when Ryan asked to use my family's tube of toothpaste! I didn't know what to say! I should have said, "Umm, no you can't, sorry." OR "Umm, we don't have any left, maybe we should run to the store and get a new tube." But what came out of my mouth was something like, "Sure. It's in that drawer." I held my breath and closed my eyes, praying that the toothpaste was somewhat decent and didn't have a hair in it.... Ryan reached in and pulled it out. However, my worse fears were concluded, as he gave a high gasping noise and dropped the tube on the counter. I still remember that he looked at me with disgust in his eyes and said, "Ewww, there is a hair in it!" I didn't know whether to try and laugh it off or look completely disgusted as well. So I went with what I thought was the safer route... I looked at the toothpaste with the same foreign digust trying to match his and gave the same high gasping noise. "Ewww!" I said, "Who did that?!" Inside I was cringing...thinking, oh man! That really is disgusting!
On the back on any toothpaste it reads:
For best Results, Squeeze tube from the bottom and flatten as you go up.
Obviously my family never read the fine print, or think that was the best way to do it! For these reasons that is why the toothpaste manufacturers add the simple but perfect statement on each and every tube of toothpaste. Not only do you get the best results with your toothpaste but with your significant other too. ;)
I am happy to say even after this horrible experience obviously Ryan still had the gall to marry me! I thought for sure he would have decided against it after seeing that nasty tube of toothpaste. I mean isn't it the way couples squeeze and use a tube of toothpaste the number ONE reason couples fight and get divorced?!
Yet, I am sad to say that I still continue to do this to my tube of toothpaste (except for the hairs!) I guess bad habits sometimes never die! So, a THANKS and possibly a SORRY must go out to my dear husband, Ryan for putting up with me and my "nasty" tube of toothpaste for all these years!! This just shows you how patient he really is!
June 23, 2008
Weekend Away
The girls had a good time too. Madi liked playing up in the loft of the cabin and would look over the side of the banister and holler down, "Hi____,(mom, dad, wendy, or jerry) here I am, up here!" ...every 15 seconds rotating through all our names. And then our respond everytime would be like, "Where are you Madi??....oh there you are!" As Madi is giggling to herself with glee! She thought she was pretty funny.
We got to hang out with my family all weekend, playing endless games of Rook, shopping, eating out and having a great time! Thanks Wendy and Jerry and Mom and Dad for a great weekend away!
June 19, 2008
Avery's daily activities...
Avery usually wakes up with a little dance and a smile,
But as she plays hard she sometimes crashes after a while.
Avery and Mommy shout with joy and passion,
"Hooray for cookies!" They're the latest fashion.
But sometimes she eats one cookie too many,
And then she ends up with tummy-aches a plenty!
She likes to crawl around the house and get into everything that's bound,
As dirty as she gets I have to put her in the sink and hose her down....
She smiles when she takes pictures with mommy, (lol you can see just how dirty that mirror is! I love little fingerprints!)
And laughs as she climbs on daddy.
She also loves to eat lunches...(ok she loves to eat, period!),
And she checkes the nutrition facts for the food she munches.
She loves to climb up the stairs and is always on the move,
Even when she loses her clothes and is in the nude!
Avery is so sweet and we always want her to be
with us forever as a member of our family!
June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!!!
We love you for being such a hard worker and good friend to everyone! You love playing with your grandkids and spending as much time as you can being with us! You love laughing and joking around with us and would do anything for us!
Ryan's Dad, DennisWe love you for being so easy to talk to and joke with! You are the kindest person and have a gigantic heart. You are always a good listener and a very wise councelor.
Tammy's Husband, BobWe love you because you treat mom so good and you take care of her even when she thinks she can do it on her own (which she always says). You are a great grampa and are such a fun and gentle person!
My Very Cute Husband, Ryan

June 14, 2008
A Perfect Day...
Amy and Aaron showing off their sweet volleyball skills...
Morgan and Ryan laughing at Aaron's attempt to spike the! JK!
"I've got it!"
All the girls together...Abby, Sadie and Madi
Sadie and Madisen eating their rice krispy treats, as Abby gives a HUGE smile for the camera!
After the BBQ and everyone went home, Ryan and I had a relaxing afternoon watching golf...which Tiger Woods had some pretty amazing shots! Then I got to go out and do some shopping, while Ryan stayed home with the girls. I love shopping!! I found some pretty cute stuff...too bad I couldn't buy everything!

June 13, 2008
Little Bookworm...

"A fantastic, inventive, thoughtful, and powerful novel. The Host will keep you reading well into the wee hours of night, and keep you thinking, deeply, hauntingly, well after the final word." —Ridley Pearson, author of Killer Weekend.

June 12, 2008
Silly Girls
Like Mother, Like Daughter...
June 9, 2008
Our Tribute to Nachoooooooo!!!!

Morgan and I laughing so hard we couldn't compose ourselves long enough to make another Nacho facial expression...
Jeremy and Ryan pulling their cheesy Nacho grins....haha!
Ryan longing to eat some "toast".....
Since Ryan and I love this movie so much and many of our friends do too, I thought it would be fun to list some of the most memorable quotes of Nacho Libre....enjoy!!!
Esqueleto: I don't believe in God, I believe in science.
Nacho: They think I do not know a butt load of crap about the Gospel, but I do!
Sister Encarnación: Well, my favorite color is light tan. My favorite animal is puppies. I like serving the lord. Hiking, play volleyball... Nacho: You gotta be kidding me. Everything you just said, is MY favorite thing to do, every day!
Señor Ramon: What is this? Nacho: Leftovers. Enjoy. Señor Ramon: There is no flavor. There are no spices. Where are the chips? Nacho: Somebody stole them. Señor Ramon: Did you not tell them that they were the Lord's chips?
Nacho: Ok. Orphans! Listen to Ignacio. I know it is fun to wrestle. A nice piledrive to the face... or a punch to the face... but you cannot do it. Because, it is in the Bible not to wrestle your neighbour. Chancho: So you've never wrestled? Nacho: Me? No. Come on. Don't be crazy. I know the wrestlers get all the fancy ladies, and the clothes, and the fancy creams and lotions. But my life is good! Really good! I get to wake up every morning, at 5AM, and make some soup! It's the best. I love it. I get to lay in a bed, all by myself, all of my life! That's fantastic!
Nacho: My life is good. Real good.
Esqueleto: Surpise. [holding corn in both hands] Nacho: Get that corn outta my face!
Sister Encarnación: Where are your robes, Ignacio? Nacho: They were... stinky. These are my recreational clothes. Sister Encarnación: They look expensive. Nacho: Thank you. I mean... they might have the appearance of riches, but beneath the clothes, we find a man... and beneath the man we find... his... nucleus. Sister Encarnación: Nucleus?
Nacho: [singing] I ate some bugs, I ate some grass, I used my hand, to wipe my tears.
Esqueleto: [to Ramses] I think me and my friend are ready to go pro!
Nacho: So anyways, let's get down to the nitty gritty... Who is this Encarnación?
Emperor: In order for you to become empowered by the eagle, you must climb that cliff, find the egg, crack open one of them, and then eat the yolk. Nacho: So, what you're saying to me is if I can eat this yolk, my moves will become the best in the whole world. Emperor: Definitely. Nacho: [holds hand up] High Five
June 7, 2008
I love boxes...