February 26, 2011

Boyfriend blues... and ramblings of a mother.

Apparently, Madisen has a boyfriend.

She declared it so yesterday.

Ummm. What?!  

I was stunned.

Still am.

I didn't even know she knew what a "boyfriend" was?

Either I was being naive to the fact that she knew these things, or I just thought she was indeed naive and didn't know any of these things. (did that even make sense?)

Guess I was naive.

This is how it all went down...

Madisen and Avery were playing together in the living room when I over heard her from the bedroom say, "Avery, you don't even know...."

I walked over and opened the bedroom door a little more to hear her continue to say, "...I have a boyfriend. His name is Trenton C. And he is cute. We even traded Dinosaur cards."

First of all, those that know Madisen well, know she can be very timid. She has been labeled "shy" ever since she was one. She is a afraid to try new things, turns bright red when the spotlight is on her and cries easily when others, especially her sisters get hurt. She is very sensitive and naive...or so I thought, till now. She probably knows more than I give her credit for. 

I wasn't that into boys growing up. I never had a boyfriend until my Junior year of High School. (And I was not considered nearly as shy as she is.) Glad too. They, "boyfriends", really weren't all they were cracked up to be.

So can you understand now, WHY I am stunned by this revelation, that SHE has a boyfriend??

Speaking about being shy, it made me think of another subject. For years Madisen has been asked, "ARE you shy?" OR, they just presume it, "You ARE shy."

Which by the way, I HATE. I hate when people in the store, total strangers, say that to her. They don't know her. They barely met her, 5 seconds ago! Don't presume to label my child when you don't even know her! (I am really passionate about this subject can't you tell?)

It just makes her conform that much more to it, when told it. She is being label "shy" therefore she tells herself, "I am shy"  and acts "shy". 

So to correct this, every time someone tells her that she is "shy" I (politely) correct them by saying, "No, she is not shy. She is friendly and talkative and funny." (Mother bear comes out to protect her cub).

I just don't want her labeling herself anymore as being "shy", just because someone else tells her she is. She can be anything she wants to be, darn it! :)

And that subject makes me think of another closely related subject, (I should probably just write another blog post or make this into essay form...a, b, c...etc.) when talking to other people about your kids whether on the phone or in person while your child is in ear shot of the conversation you should NEVER talk negatively about them or put them in a negative light. It's not healthy.

For example, I overheard a mother one time on her cell phone talking about her child in a very negative way, stating many bad behaviors the child had done, even to the point of using swear words, and calling her daughter names that I would need soap to wash my mouth out with. And the sad part was, her daughter was right there in front of her! How sad. Imagine what that little girl felt and how it probably crushed her spirit and embarrassed her. My heart went out to her. 

I am grateful that my own mom taught me this very important lesson early on when Madisen was younger. As I, too, made the same mistake of doing just that, right in front of her. I said out of anger, "Ugh! Madi is being such a little brat today!"

Oops. I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me. And I am embarrassed that it did that day, but I have learned the importance of this, not only for my kids but for me. It makes children feel bad, worthless and they come to not trust you as a parent over time. 

But one of the best things you can do is say POSITIVE things about them in front of others. As I have done this from time to time, I literally have seen my girls' heads rise in pride, and their self esteem just sky-rockets! We, as mothers have such power! Let's use it for good.

And please don't tell my child that she IS shy. :) But I will allow you to tell her anything positive. :)

OK...so back to my first point of this post...(I know, I am rambling, but I did warn you about it in the title.)

Madisen has a "boyfriend". 

Obviously as a kindergarten-er this doesn't mean the same thing as it would to a 17 year old girl. But I am just not ready for this stage yet and it's here knocking at my door. I thought I would have years to prepare for this knock. 5 years is just not enough time. Especially when I still vividly remember the day we were finally able to bring this bundle of joy home from the hospital, on Mother's Day.

Now 5 years and 10 months later (give or take a few days), she is trading dinosaurs cards with her "boyfriend".  

Pretty soon they will be painting dinosaur characters with hearts around it on each other's cheeks...what's a mother to do? 



February 25, 2011

Gangsta "Bub-bas"

I always find it so cute and funny when babies and especially toddlers put on grown-up hats, shoes, boots, shirts and all other clothing and accessory items. I can never take my eyes off them. I even notice I love to watch other kids do this too. I could watch them for hours, seriously. Putting on, taking off, stepping into, stepping out of, pulling over, turning the item upside down, and inside out. Stretching it out, tugging on it, and ultimately strutting around their "stuff" like they have accomplished something amazing.
  It is fascinating to me and I find it so darn cute!

Here's Bubs struttin' her "stuff". Looking pretty cool.
(oh, and her ONE shoe)

Oops! We'll pretend this didn't happen.

 Back to being "cool"..


February 24, 2011

Reading Scriptures- Princess style!

This video was from a few nights ago. I tried being sneaky with the camera so she wouldn't know I was recording her talking, so all you can see is the mess under their beds. Also if you listen closely, you can hear another sound coming from Madi. Haha!

This video is from tonight's scripture reading. 

It is hilarious that Avery does this from time to time, always catching us off guard when she does do it, but we probably shouldn't encourage her with our laughter...it just makes her do it more! She is such a hoot though!

A picture is worth a thousand words.

On a much lighter note than the previous post I wanted to share this drawing that Avery drew.
Some of you have seen this on Facebook already but I had to share it on here too because I bust up laughing every time I look at it.:)

I asked her, who is that? She pointed and said, "This one is daddy(the tall skinny one), and this one is you (the shorter-larger one)!"

At first I thought, Oh my! I guess I DO need to lose some weight.

I didn't want to hurt her feelings about the drawing but about a half an hour later I had to ask her, Why does mommy have such a big tummy?

Her response: You are wearing a princess dress!


Self-esteem slowly coming back.

Did you notice too, that my brain is bigger than Ryan's??


And as I tickled Avery today asking her, "Are you a mommy's girl or a daddy's girl? (And before she peed her pants)  she declared she was a mommy's girl.

Double YES!!

Self-esteem is BACK. 

(Thanks Avery).


(This post touches on some sensitive issues, deep personal feelings and experiences, and my beliefs. I don't often open up and share things like this because I don't want to make people feel awkward or think ill of me. But then I realized, it's MY blog. MY space to write anything I want. And if they don't like it, then that's fine. They can go somewhere else and not have to read it. Sometimes it takes me a lot longer than most to learn these things. ;)


Something I need to work on.

Something I want to be better at.

Something I want to be stronger in.

This coming Sunday Ryan and I have been asked to give talks in the Spanish sacrament meeting, which to be honest, I was not too thrilled, as I just gave a talk a month ago in our sacrament meeting.  There is only one ward here in Hunt county which consist of many small towns and cities within a 30 mile radius of Greenville. Well a small part of the ward members are Spanish speaking members so they have their own sacrament meeting the same time we do, just down the hall. Since Ryan speaks Spanish they will have an interpreter for me. The topic that was chosen for us to speak on, "Perseverance". 

"Perseverance is demonstrated by those who keep going when the going gets tough, who don’t give up even when others say, “It can’t be done.”' James E. Faust

It has made me think about the last few month since moving here to Texas. It's been hard, yet, I am learning more about myself and trying to be a better mother, friend, wife and person. I am trying to work on my short comings and weaknesses to make them stronger. But to be honest, it's been hard to change what I haven't acknowledge or pushed down. I have already share some of these feelings with two good friends of mine. I thought it might be good for me to share it on the blog too, because we, as women, moms, humans, all struggle with demons in our lives and to know that you or I -is not alone in this fight is very encouraging and hopeful.

It's been hard adjusting to Texas and this new ward. It feels like we have been picked up by a space ship, dropped from space and have landed in a completely new world! And no amount of preparation prepared me for the impact.

I have been struggling a lot lately with loneliness and homesickness. So much so, that lately I feel like I am turning into a sloth. I feel incredibly tired and everything is in s-l-o-w motion. I feel at times I simply want to give up and just sleep the next few years away until we can move back to Idaho-our home. But I KNOW that's not what I really want to do or should do. I KNOW I need to live life to the fullness no matter what my circumstances are (which really, they aren't THAT bad. I know it may sound like I am in the depths of despair! But I am not.). 

I have had little to no desire to cook, clean sometimes, do activities with the kids, craft, scrap book, call friends, blog, exercise...nothing. I am tired all the time and take a nap almost everyday. I just have no energy or motivation but yet I feel irritable and anxious a lot, which I hate feeling that way. I get little sparks of energy or enthusiasm throughout the day, but it only last 
an hour or so and I am back in "bed" hiding from the world.

Well, I guess I wasn't "hiding" well enough! ;) Because I had one friend call me out on it in an email....

"...I figured something was wrong, I kept checking your blog every day and nothing was popping up. . . i knew something was up!!"

Uh, oh! Caught. haha.

Thought I could just hide and bury my struggles and eventually they would just go away on their own... Right?

So I had to acknowledged that I needed help. I needed advice. I needed validation. I needed an honest opinion. I needed sympathy. I needed a friend. To vent. To cry. I just needed all these things. And by opening up (although, I was at first completely terrified to do so) I was able to release some of my worries and struggles and get all these things without feeling too embarrassed or ashamed. And THAT felt great.

I have had TWO conflicting emotions...

1.- I feel so blessed. I literally count my blessing everyday.

-Ryan has a job. Not only that, but he has one that he enjoys. He loves to help people and it is a good living too. (There are so many without jobs and many don't like their jobs).
-We have health insurance(so many people don't).
-We have no major health concerns with Ryan or I or our children....at this time anyway.  (Again, so many people are struggling with a serious illnesses or health problems that make life really difficult for them and their family).
-One of the greatest blessings in our lives is being members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Having that knowledge and testimony that the church is true and living by the covenants we have made in the temple has blessed our family tremendously as many of you can testify as well.
-Another one of our greatest blessings in our lives is our family and dear friends. We have some of the best relationships in the world and don't take that for granted.
-I can stay home with my children and raise them which I have always felt is so important.
-We have been able to pay off a lot of debt.
-Ryan sees and deals with patients all day that have no family, no insurance, sometimes homeless and are on the verge of dying! How sad and humbling that is to me. Makes me want to take them all in and feed them!

Through all the good and blessings we have why is it then that I STILL feel ...
2. -depressed, lonely, trapped and sad?

Well, as I have been preparing my talk on Perseverance, boy have I had a eye-opening experience that leads me to thinking I am not persevering like the Lord wants me to do.

"Perseverance is a POSITIVE, ACTIVE characteristic. It is not idle, and doing just enough to get by(as I have let myself do over the past few months), hoping and waiting for good things to happen." 

While reading through a variety of talks I came across this paragraph by a talk given by Joseph B. Wirthlin, in 1987:

"Genius is only the power of making continuous efforts. The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it; so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it. How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have achieved success? A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed a hopeless failure may turn into a glorious success."

Wow. That is powerful. Something I needed to hear and something I want to work on. I have always thought I was one that didn't give up when things got tough. I have always known I am a daughter of God and have a special purpose on this earth, as all of us do, but this made me think even deeper about the meaning of perseverance. Could I persevere through something like what Job went through-losing everything? Or how about Nephi or Joseph Smith? Or the pioneers that crossed the plains? Or even well known people like Florence Nightingale, Abe Lincoln, Beethoven, Hellen Keller and countless others who persevered through some of the most difficult trials.

Of course, it's unlikey that most of us will have to face such trials and heartache as these well known figures had to do. But if we did, would we persevere or give up?

Here's another quote I liked:

 "Perseverance means to continue in a given course until we have reached a goal or objective, regardless of obstacles, opposition, and other counter-influences. What is our course, what is our goal, and what are the obstacles and opposition that would hinder or divert us?
Our course as members of the Church should be in agreement with the principles and ordinances of the gospel. Our goal should be to fill the measure of our creation as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father—that is, to reach exaltation and eternal life. The obstacles and opposition we meet are the temptations and enticements of Satan that are designed to frustrate the Lord’s work and glory: “To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39)."

I got another email from this friend after I told her a little bit of how I was feeling and struggling with, she said (and I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this), "Try to find out what you need to learn from this situation. . . maybe Heavenly Father wants you to become closer to him instead of always having a physical friend/family there."

Ah-ha! That's exactly right. 

I have prayed throughout my life that Heavenly Father will help me become the person I need to be and the person he needs me to be to further His work. Being here in Texas can either make me stronger as I learn to rely on Him more or give into the "temptations and enticements of Satan", who is always lurking around waiting to see if we will invite him in. He knows our weaknesses and makes it difficult for us to find our way. There's a saying/quote that I couldn't find but goes something like, When the door is opened the light enters, not the other way around. (anyone know it?)

We are going to be tested in this life. That's one of the main reasons why we are here on this earth. We knew it was going to be hard yet, we chose to come down, to get a body and it is how we persevere through it all that will determine what we have gained in the next life.
My friend also reminded me, "...It seems I am like that the most when my life is going really well. . .which I found odd, so I really searched myself and decided that it was Satan trying to ruin a good thing.  He is always trying to make us feel down. He tries to make us feel like we have to live up to everyone else's standards, that our self worth is based on how much we get done in a day..."

I am so grateful for wise friends! ;)

I am so grateful for prophets that lead us and guide us.

I am most grateful for a loving Savior that holds out his hand infinitely and shows me the light and way to go. And gives me opportunities to learn and grow as I have prayed to do. And contrary to belief, I am grateful for being asked, again, to talk in sacrament meeting:) .