November 30, 2008

Thanks for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is such a special holiday to remember to be thankful for everything we have. I am so grateful for this holiday and to remember to give thanks for all the blessings I have been given. I wish I could say I remember and feel gratitude everyday of my life, and I wouldn't need a special holiday to remind me to be thankful. It's also a special time to be able to get together with family and friends, those close and far away and spend some quality time with them. This Thanksgiving we got to spent it with Ryan's Dad and his girlfriend, Trudy, Ryan's brother, Sean, and his girlfriend, Jeanette, (who all drove 10 hours from Colorado Springs) Grandma Hodges, Ryan's Aunt and Unlce, Wendy and Jerry and their kids- Heidi and Ben, and Angie and Kelly and their kids, Kaitlyn and Gavin....phew! (Did I miss anyone?)
Here's some pictures of our time together...
Sean and Jeanette. They are such a cute couple! Jeanette is hilarious and such a fun person to be around. And the fact that she is gorgeous! (She is a keeper Sean!) Her and Sean have been dating over a year and we have heard so much about her that it was nice to finally have met her! This is what happens when Uncle Sean steals our camera and takes funny pictures of himself...they get posted. haha!
Thanksgiving day- Great Grandma Hodges and Madi sitting together by the fire.
Saturday hanging out and getting pictures of everyone together. We loved Trudy the moment we met her! It was so wonerful spending time with her and getting to know her better. What a sweet and fun person she is, and we can't wait to get to know her even better! ;)
Saturday night, Dad and Trudy treated everyone to dinner. We went to Remos, which is a Italian resturant here in town and had some great food! Then came back to our house and played Rook all night and laughed till we cried...literary!
Ryan and I sharing some love!
Ryan and Sean goofing usual.

Some of the family sitting around, talking and playing with Avery.
Thanks for the great weekend and memories everyone!!! (We really missed Nate and Erin who couldn't make the trip this year, hopefully we will see you guys soon!)

November 25, 2008

Giggle and Cheese? Apparently both edible.

Avery has come up with her own way of saying, "Mom, may I have some food, please?!" Instead, she very firmly, with clenched teeth and a tiny trace of anger says, "Giggle, giggle....giggle, giggle, giggle!" She continues to repeat this word until food is inserted into HER mouth. If a few minutes (more like seconds) go by without mom or dad giving her more food, then the "giggle" request (demand) is repeated, only becoming more intense each time,"Giggle, giggle....giggle, giggle, giggle!!" It is hilarious. I wish I could download a video of her saying/doing this, but for some reason the file is wrong and it never lets me. I haven't been able to figure out how to change it. (Anyone know?)

Another funny thing Avery has done lately is posing for the camera. Even if she sees me holding or carrying the camera, she automatically assumes I am going to take a picture of her and looks at me as if to say, "ok mom, hurry this up, I got things to do..." but then always poses with a HUGE grin on her face as she spits out (literary), "cheeeeeese". While this may appear to be super cute, it is not always the case. As she does this, she again, clenches her teeth together while saying, "cheeeeese," but not before spraying a mouth full of spit and drenching everything in site. (ok, a bit exaggerated...). Yeah, I can't really decide whether this is gross or cute...? She continues saying, "cheeeeese" until the camera is put away. I have learned I have to take pictures of her quickly or else spit starts dripping from her chin! Ewww...haha!
Avery saying,"Cheeeeese".
This picture cracks me up! She is so intent on smiling correctly that she almost looks scary! If it wasn't for her chubby checks and double chin she probably would be! haha! I love my baby!See the "spit" starting to drip from her chin? This is my cue to stop taking pictures and give her jaw a rest.
Welcome to Who-ville!

I thought I would also throw in these two pictures of them in the tub, both dirty and saying what else but, "cheeeeese".

November 15, 2008

Can you help me find my kids?

Avery is approx. 2 feet tall and 21 pounds.
Name by which she is called at home: A-v's (Avies)
Eyes: blue
Hair: light blonde with a tint of red
Mood lately: cranky, teething and cuddly
Avery was last seen wearing a light pink jumper dress, (with a much needed diaper change) crawling in the botton drawer of a computer desk which was reported broken during one of many family moves. Chances are, she could still be hiding out in there...

Madisen is approx. 3 feet tall and 27 pounds.
Name by which she is called at home: Madi
Eyes: blue
Hair: brown
Mood lately: whiny, talkative, and funny
Madi was last seen wearing a purple long sleeve shirt with the word, "Darling" on the front, purple matching pants and a cute smile that is rarely seen. Her favorite spots to hide out are in the front closet, or behind the strollers. She may still be hiding out there...
Lately, Madi's thing well, besides dinosaurs, (if that's possible!) is "sneaking" up on Ryan and I and scaring us. We try and play along... jumping and screaming like we are really afraid. It's fun to see her get such a kick out of it. She will also hide (in the same closet everyday or behind the strollers) and say, "Mom, come find me... mom!"
Hmm, I wonder if she could possibly be in the closet, again...??

This time, I snuck up and surprised her!

(Pictures of two different occassions of "hiding behind the strollers" caught on camera.)

I am not sure what it is about hiding behind the strollers? I must be missing something. Probably missing out on the fact that I am not tiny enough to be able to fit into such small compact spaces...of course after taking these pictures, screaming followed, as Avery crawled over and got herself stuck between the stroller and the wall. haha!

It must seem as if I never dress my child, as Avery always has very few clothes on if any at all (besides her diaper) when I take pictures of must think I neglect my child! While this is only partly true, (haha. kidding) I do dress her more often than not. Occassionally even putting her in something cute with a bow in her hair, but it always happens that as the day goes on, the fewer and fewer clothes she manages to keep on or stay clean. At least she has managed to keep her socks on.

November 13, 2008

Photo Blocks

Ok, I know you are all probably sick of seeing our family pictures everywhere because I know I am! But I have seen these photo-blocks done on many blogs and I have always wondered how people do them. I found this website that you make your own collage out of your family pictures and you can download it for free!! So fun! I know many of you have gotten family pictures taken this fall so I thought I would share this website with you if you would like to use this idea for Christmas cards or just to play around.
To download program click Have fun and I want to see what some of you have come up with!

Food Flop!

Everyone has their little secret indulgences. Mine is chocolate. A side of chocolate with anything and dipped in everything sounds great to me! ;) I have been craving CHOCOLATE chip pumpkin bread for the past, oh I know don't...2 weeks, but finally got around to making some last night. I have been trying to do things more healthy as far as food choices go, (The Biggest Loser inspires that in me... don't worry it doesn't last long!) One reason I put off making it, is because it isn't very healthy. But my craving for it kept resurfacing, and I found myself at those moments salivating uncontrollably. haha! So instead of adding 1 cup oil like the recipe says, I substituted that for apple sauce. And instead of three cups sugar I did 2 cups. And instead of 4 eggs, I did 2 eggs and 2 egg whites only. With all those heathly alternatives I thought, "I hope it tastes the same. I am really craving some 'good' chocolate chip pumpkin bread!"

Well, just like you thought... it was a FLOP. (The title must have given that away, not all the sarcasm)

I made three loaves and although they look great on the outside, the middle looks like gel and reminds me of fruitcake. (I am not a fan of big chunks of fruit in anything- pizza, pie, and especially cake). The texture is all wrong and doesn't even slightly resemble anything known as "bread". I was sadly dissappointed the way it turned out, and actually thought before baking it I would take plates of bread around to friends...what a joke that would be! (Sorry, I had good intentions mind you...) But what did I expect after taking out all the "good" ingredients!? At least now, I am not craving pumpkin bread like I was and saved myself a few long hours in the gym!
Anyone still interested in something that sort of resembles what should have been known as pumpkin bread, be my guest!

I found this cartoon and just thought it was funny.

November 12, 2008

Prophetic Words

I got an email from my friend, Cristi today and I wanted to share it as it goes along with what I previously posted tonight. It's a talk given by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, "Meeting the Challenges of Today" at a BYU Devotional, October 10, 1978. He gave this 30 years ago and he nailed our day.

"Make no mistake about it, brothers and sisters -- in the months and years ahead, events are likely to require each member to decide whether or not he will follow the First Presidency. Members will find it more difficult to halt longer between two opinions. President Marion G. Romney said, many years ago, that he had 'never hesitated to follow the counsel of the Authorities of the Church even though it crossed my social, professional or political life.'

"This is hard doctrine, but it is particularly vital doctrine in a society which is becoming more wicked. In short, brothers and sisters, not being ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ includes not being ashamed of the prophets of Jesus Christ. . . . Your discipleship may see the time when such religious convictions are discounted. . . . This new irreligious imperialism seeks to disallow certain opinions simply because those opinions grow out of religious convictions.

"Resistance to abortion will be seen as primitive. Concern over the institution of the family will be viewed as un-trendy and unenlightened....Before the ultimate victory of the forces of righteousness, some Skirmishes will be lost. Even in these, however, let us leave a record so that the choices are clear, letting others do as they will in the face of prophetic counsel. There will also be times, happily, when a minor defeat seems probable, but others will step forward, having been rallied to rightness by what we do. We will know the joy, on occasion, of having awakened a slumbering majority of the decent people of all races and creeds which was, till then, unconscious of itself.

Jesus said that when the fig trees put forth their leaves, summer is nigh. Thus, warned that summer is upon us, let us not then complain of the heat." (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, "Meeting the Challenges of Today" BYU Devotional, October 10, 1978.)

Taking a Stand

So I know the elections are over and that Proposition 8 did pass in California, but for the past few months I have been much engaged in listening to the news and reading stories about the Proposition 8. I have read many stories online about the protestors outside of the temple grounds in Los Angeles and Salt Lake. I feel sick to my stomach after hearing about this and the things that are still happening with those for Proposition 8. My heart aches for those going through all the persecution and for those that do not understand our dear Prophet. I pray for him, the quorum of the twelve and those that are living in California that are suffering the most from this, that they will be protected. Last week, especially, before and immediately after the elections, I have read hundreds of comments (made some myself), and watched dozens of videos on youtube, by those against prop 8 and those for it. It has brought out a fire in me that makes me want to fight even harder for what is right! Right now these protestors are singling out the church and the prophet for our support of Proposition 8, even though the members of the church were only a small percentage of the voters. Church officials did come out and issue a letter that was read in every congregation in California, asking members to "do all you can to support" the proposition by donating "your means and time."

I found this quote on a website, left by a member of the church for those bashing on our church. I found it very profound. It's a quote by Ezra Taft Benson:

"As a prophet reveals the truth it divides the people. The honest in heart heed his words, but the unrighteous either ignore the prophet or fight him. When the prophet points out the sins of the world, the worldly either want to close the mouth of the prophet, or else act as if the prophet didn't exist, rather than repent of their sins. Popularity is never a test of truth. Many a prophet has been killed or cast out. As we come closer to the Lord's second coming, you can expect that as the people of the world become more wicked, the prophet will be less popular with them."
I am also shocked when I read remarks and hear stories from "faithful" latter-day saints that say they are and will continue to go against the prophet and his counsel because they don't agree with him. That they think "he" is not being fair. (Umm, last I checked the Lord was in charge and Pres. Monson is receiving revelation from Him?) Or hearing remarks from those that have a family member who is gay and they think there is nothing wrong with what their son, daughter, brother, or sister is doing and they support them and his or her partner. We are definitely in the "last days". It is sad to read and hear about members of the church that fall away. There were hundreds of comments on this one particular site, and a few of them were "ex-members" of the church, who, because of the the church's stand on Proposition 8, decided to leave the church. All I can think is either they never really had a testimony or they are just looking for an excuse for their behavior(s) to leave.
Sorry if I am coming across as cruel, but I think it's so important for church members to stand up for what's right, even if it comes with heavy persecution or because they don't want to hurt a friend/family member's feelings. Yet, on a positive light, there were also many comments from church members and also from non-members expressing their gratitude for the church's stand on this issue. I even remember reading one comment from a non-member who is now interested in the church because they saw the cruel way those against Proposition 8 treated church members and "saw" the truth for what it is.

It has been said that in the last days the Constitution will hang by a thread. (Not sure where to find that..anyone know?) You can see that has already began. Proposition 8 is just the start of many battles we will face in this country. I am so thankful that it passed and for those faithful LDS members who held to the rod and kept the faith. I have a good friend, Cristi that I know donated her time and probably money in this cause and I want to thank her personally. I could go on and on about this but I just want to say I know the prophet will continue to speak for the Lord. We must continue to keep the faith and look to our Prophet and ask, "Am I on the Lord's side? Am I willing to sacrifice anything, for the Lord?"

November 11, 2008

"Joy in the Journey"

As I was writing this post on and off this morning, I got emails from two friends and this is what they had to say, "I just wanted to check up on you, you haven't posted anything on your blog for a while and I was making sure you are okay." And my other friend said, "How are you? I noticed you haven't updated your blog..."

AWW!! Ok. So before I go into what's been on my mind lately, I want to start with something positive. I have always felt that I have been extremely BLESSED with the most amazing friends ever put on the earth! All of YOU, you are amazing people, neighbors, sisters, wives, mothers and friends. Even if I didn't have anything else in my life, just your friendships, I would still consider myself one of the most blessed! Thanks for your friendships and concerns.

So to answer my friends' questions, my lack of blogging or lack of interest in blogging, is partly due to "nose in a good book(s)", (which I have some more books I want to recommend, maybe for a later post), but also because a few days after Halloween, somehow we lost the little memory card that goes in our camera to be able to take pictures. It's just easier when you have a picture to write about and the fact that I LOVE pictures. You don't have to have pictures to blog, I know, but that's just the excuse I am going to use. The last month or so, I have also been a bit (ok, truth is VERY and I am not even sure what the right word is... frustrated, discouraged, maybe annoyed) with some things. (Mostly just frustrated with myself.) Chalk them up on my, "I need to change this about myself," list, as it has substantially grown since the last year or so.

I would have thought that by getting older that I would be less moody and irritated by fewer and fewer things that I do, because I would be becoming "better" but it appears that it is the exact opposite. Why? I really can't put my finger on it, maybe I am going through a mid-life crisis and am trying to salvage what remaining youthful years I have left. Because as of lately it has just occured to me that I am closer to thirty then to twenty and just knowing that I can never go back makes me feel a bit... depressed? (I know some of you are closer to 30 than I am or have reached that milestone sometime ago) Nevertheless, this, along with other pressing matters, has been lingering in my thoughts the past few months and I thought, maybe writing about it might help. So this post might be "mild" complaining, some pet peeves, or maybe an early mid-life crisis?! So here I go... (If you don't want to read all this don't worry, it won't make me feel bad because I won't even know! :)
It's been hard having Ryan gone so much. I thought I was adjusting just fine, even telling myself and others that, maybe to convince myself that I am just that, "fine" (that makes me sound stuck-up, I don't mean in the beauty context but just in how I FEEL.) Some days are fine, but I have noticed that I have been just doing what I need to do to get through the day. A day without too much chaos, as in: a trip to the ER, poop on the floor, or spilled-milk (no pun intended) is condsidered a FINE day. Last week I was with a friend of mine getting our major bum whipping done at the gym, and she had said something about having "joy in the journey". This really struck me like it hasn't ever before, (maybe because with Ryan gone, I have been just trying to survive each day.) I have heard that several times as most of us have, but I really thought hard about what it means to me and how I can APPLY that to my life. Ryan is the life of our family, he makes things fun and smooths things out with his never-ending patience and because with Ryan gone so much, it's been a struggle for me in so many ways. Last night as I was fixing dinner the girls were crying, and I thought ok, how can I make this a better situtaion? So I started singing(trying to) and dancing as I was cooking, which I do sometimes, but forget when I am tired or not in the "mood". But after having that "Aha" moment in the gym, I have been focusing on having "joy in the journey". So simply by dancing and having fun with the girls, it got them in a better mood. Soon Madi took Avery's hand and they started dancing, singing and laughing together. Though I am still not as good at this as I would like to be, I am trying to make a conscious effort to do better and find the JOY.

But I have also been upset with myself as I am so often for letting MY ANGER get the best of me, and when it does this is what happens... voice starts to rise, finger starts pointing and shaking so frantically it seems I have instantaneously developed Parkinsons' disease. And even before I can get my ranting 15 seconds of lecture in, (because we all know that kids have a little more attention span than a goldfish) Madi's eyes go wondering and I know her thoughts are obviously preoccupied with some dinosaur being trapped underneath the laundry basket from across the room. So in my attempt at not yelling or going insane, I try and remain calm as once again gaining eye contact with Madi and firmly tell her for the 100th time, that even though it was an accident...pooping in our pants is not "cool". *sigh* Seriously, how do you get it in kids' heads that the toilet is where we drop that stuff off?! And then again, I have to tell myself, "find joy in the poop"... I mean, "journey."
The other thing that has been bugging me is all the whining. (Like I AM DOING right now! haha...) I mean my girls are so fun sometimes and they play and laugh together a lot. But when they are both tired and whining, Mom isn't happy. And you know the saying, "When mom ain't happy, no one is." There is such truth in that! Yet, I know that I can change the mood. If I am happy, they are more likely to become happy. (Ryan is really good at that. I am so lucky that all my pleading paid off and he relented to marrying me!) Yesterday was especially trying for me- (must be that time of the month, Ryan would probably say, it's always that "time" of the month). Ryan is such a great husband, even last night he came home at 10:30pm and surprised me with a card that sings and a rose. Thanks honey!

Other thoughts I have had lately, is that through out life (my almost 26 years on earth, phew that's old! haha jk.), I have always gone along or done what people tell me to do, I have never wanted to offend or get into any kind of disagreement or argument. It's just not worth it. So it has always been just easier to do whatever I am told or go along with what someone else wants or thinks. Now first off, I am not a saint. This doesn't mean I am a peacemaker, though I try, I don't always succeed. Second, I am not writing this to get sympathy, or for you to think that I am a victim of harsh put-downs and being walked-on. I don't necessarily feel that way. And third, this doesn't mean I don't have my own opinions or I can't think for myself. (You all know how much I can talk once I get started!) I have just tired to put other people first, as most of us do. I will stop here.
Ok, now that I have conquered having the most negative post ever, haha... sorry! (I think I have been just going through some weird "things" lately with Ryan gone and needing to work on myself- to be a better person. It's probably just hormones. Maybe I am PREGNANT. haha! No I am not. That's not even funny. Because if I was pregnant, I would be throwing up night and day! And I would not be laughing. But getting pregnant has been on my mind...hmm) Thanks for your listending "ears". I feel better that I have gotten ALL that off my chest (though it is a small chest) it feels good to get it off. :)
So what I have learned and what I am consciously trying to think about daily when chaos does emerged: Find Joy in the Journey.

"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."

This has become my new motto for MY life.

November 4, 2008

Remember to VOTE!!!

Make sure you go and VOTE today!!!
Top 10 Lame Excuses Not To Vote
10. My dog ate my registration card.
9. Reruns of Friends are on TV.
8. It's too cold outside
7. You went the last time and there was no free food.
6. You don't want to stand in line
5. I don't know who is even running.
4. You're mad that the elections will be on instead of the Biggest Loser...haha
3. I am too busy.
2. You feel guilty when the person you voted against loses.
1. "My vote won't make a difference."

Sisterly Love

This morning while I was talking to my friend Joanna on the phone, I watched as Avery proceeded to climb on top of Madi and give her a big hug. She laid her head down and they both just cuddled together. I sat on the couch, watching and grinning to myself. After a few minutes I realized I need to get a picture of this! So when they are older and fighting I can show them how much they love each other! So I went searching for the camera hoping not to miss it, and luckily when I came back in the room they were just as sweet, still holding each other. Avery is such a cuddle bug and is always giving out hugs. They get along pretty good for the most part, of course they have their moments of utter terror and screaming at each other... Avery: "AHHH!" Madi: "Avery stop crying! Be quite!"
But these special moments are little glimpses of heaven, for any mom!