Make sure you go and VOTE today!!!
Top 10 Lame Excuses Not To Vote
10. My dog ate my registration card.
9. Reruns of Friends are on TV.
8. It's too cold outside
7. You went the last time and there was no free food.
6. You don't want to stand in line
5. I don't know who is even running.
4. You're mad that the elections will be on instead of the Biggest Loser...haha
3. I am too busy.
2. You feel guilty when the person you voted against loses.
1. "My vote won't make a difference."
1. "My vote won't make a difference."
If elections were held on Thursday night I'm afraid I'd have to skip voting in order to watch The Office. Luckily it's all happening today and my Office will be unaffected. Whew. We voted yesterday, so there.
Totally agree with Andrea-- Glad that it didn't affect my Thursday night lineup either.
Our family overloaded on "I Voted" stickers. The old ladies at our fairgrounds were handing them out like candy!
How about "I'm Canadian" - That's always my excuse :)
Here is my excuse..well WAS my excuse..Im not even registered to vote. Is that sad or what? That is my excuse though and Im stickin to it!
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