June 30, 2008

"One of those days..."

“It has been one of those days today.” Everyone knows what I am talking about, has thought this or has heard it in their life at one point or another (if not, then wow! You must be a pretty positive and perfect person!) You know those days, where nothing seems to be going right, and everything you do seems to go completely wrong! I mean everyday there is always something going on, cereal to clean up, late charges on your electric bill, dog eating your homework, burning your dinner that you slaved over all day, getting an irritating hole in your sock right where your toe is, or getting a juice stain on your favorite shirt, telling your kids to listen to you for the 50th time, (“put that down, don’t touch that, don’t do that, stop doing that, put that away….”), and getting mad that your husband is watching sports instead of watching you…the list is endless. I just want to say, “It has been one of those days today”.
Being a mom is so hard! No, being a GOOD mom all the time is so hard! I try to stay calm and act with patience but that doesn’t always happen in the heat of the moment. When I make a mistake and yell at my kids and then see the look in her eyes, how I made her feel by yelling at her, I just feel like crap! I feel like such a terrible mom! But then I will get upset just a few minutes later at something else she does or get upset about something else that is bugging me and then it’s feeling like crap all over again. I hate yelling and boy do I try my darn-est not to yell at my kids (mainly Madi) but I am not perfect. And I am not patient all the time either and well, today was one of those days… I just felt like crap all day long! I never will be a perfect mom, all by myself at least. I know I need my Heavenly Father’s help every day, especially with raising my kids and being a loving wife. But I still feel horrible when those “todays” happen and when I mess up so bad and can’t be that perfect mom for them. But I am grateful for repentance and that Madi is so loving and forgiving…even when her mommy is so full of well, “crap”. I may not be the most patient and kind mommy, and I have often put myself in time out when I yell or get mad (which Madi thinks is funny when mommy puts her nose in the corner but I hope it helps her realize that mommy makes mistakes too and tries to admit them when she does). I love being a mom, even though it is the hardest job on the planet! I love my little girls so much. They are my pride and joy and I wouldn't change a thing! I hope they know just how much I love them!
Pictures of my little girls...they are everything to me and bring so much joy to my life! They make me laugh everyday with their cute smiles and cute things they say and do! They are my ultimate joy!

June 29, 2008

Ward Party!

We had our ward summer party yesterday and it was so much fun! It was at a nice park and we had a BBQ with hotdogs and hamburgers and so many different varieties of salads to try that everyone brought. Great food! There was a huge water slide, a water ballon fight they we got into, games and bubbles for the kids, volleyball (which I loved!), a playground for the kids, icecream and lots of laughs! It was SO fun! I love parties! So, I thought I would just post pictures of the fun evening and let you see for yourself!

"It hurts, it hurts!"
"Woah! Kuawabunga dude!"
150 feet of waterslide...sweet!
Water-ballon FIGHT!!! Madi and daddyMadi got pretty scared of the merry-go-round so she didn't stay on but a few spins!Tough-guy little Jon
Friends from the ward
Avery and me

June 27, 2008

Bad habits sometimes never die!

Ok, so I have a few bad habits, but one that drives my husband absolutely crazy is when I squeeze the toothpaste from the middle of the tube. Yes, I am one of those people. My whole family is guilty of this one. I am a little embarrassed to share this story, but it's my life!

Ryan and I met the first week I started college and dated all summer. Well the summer semester was just ending and I was going home for the fall and would start back in the spring. At the time I didn't have a car, so Ryan offered to take me home. How nice, huh? He obviously wanted to see what my family was like before getting any closer to me. We drive to Boise and get to my house. Ryan meets everyone for the first time and everything is going great.... My family loves him, he loves my family....sweet! Then it came time to get ready for bed. Ryan and I headed to the bathroom to brush our teeth. Ryan asked to borrow some toothpaste, and immediately I froze as a flashback of what our toothpaste can sometimes look like flashed across my mind... (Now before I went off to college, all my brothers and sisters and me included, had the bad habit of grabbing the toothpaste and just squeezing it anywhere on the tube making big globs all over the top. We did that everytime and eventually the top of the toothpaste would get SO clumpy and crusty that the next time we went to use it, we would never know where it would squirt out next! Gross huh? But if you think that is bad, after we globbed it onto our toothbrush, we would just throw it back in the drawer with all the other things...hair brushes, combs, bobbypins and whatever else would get put in that drawer...sometimes getting hairs stuck in it! I know, I know... totally nasty!! Yet, my siblings (and sadly I have to included myself) didn't care! We probably ended up wasting hundreds of tubes of toothpaste all together, in our quest to squeeze the life out of it! ) SO you can just imagine my horror when Ryan asked to use my family's tube of toothpaste! I didn't know what to say! I should have said, "Umm, no you can't, sorry." OR "Umm, we don't have any left, maybe we should run to the store and get a new tube." But what came out of my mouth was something like, "Sure. It's in that drawer." I held my breath and closed my eyes, praying that the toothpaste was somewhat decent and didn't have a hair in it.... Ryan reached in and pulled it out. However, my worse fears were concluded, as he gave a high gasping noise and dropped the tube on the counter. I still remember that he looked at me with disgust in his eyes and said, "Ewww, there is a hair in it!" I didn't know whether to try and laugh it off or look completely disgusted as well. So I went with what I thought was the safer route... I looked at the toothpaste with the same foreign digust trying to match his and gave the same high gasping noise. "Ewww!" I said, "Who did that?!" Inside I was cringing...thinking, oh man! That really is disgusting!

On the back on any toothpaste it reads:
For best Results, Squeeze tube from the bottom and flatten as you go up.

Obviously my family never read the fine print, or think that was the best way to do it! For these reasons that is why the toothpaste manufacturers add the simple but perfect statement on each and every tube of toothpaste. Not only do you get the best results with your toothpaste but with your significant other too. ;)

I am happy to say even after this horrible experience obviously Ryan still had the gall to marry me! I thought for sure he would have decided against it after seeing that nasty tube of toothpaste. I mean isn't it the way couples squeeze and use a tube of toothpaste the number ONE reason couples fight and get divorced?!

Yet, I am sad to say that I still continue to do this to my tube of toothpaste (except for the hairs!) I guess bad habits sometimes never die! So, a THANKS and possibly a SORRY must go out to my dear husband, Ryan for putting up with me and my "nasty" tube of toothpaste for all these years!! This just shows you how patient he really is!

June 23, 2008

Weekend Away

We spent last Thursday and Friday up in Driggs Idaho, and then the rest of the weekend in Rexburg with my family. Ryan's aunt and uncle, Wendy and Jerry share a cabin up in Driggs and invited us to come up and hang out. We played a few games, (would have played more games but everyone was mad at me....I wonder why? I guess I need to let others win sometimes.... sorry about that! ;) ate a TON of junk food (reminds me that I still need to run to burn that off!) and laughed (and whispered ;)) so hard we cried!!

The girls had a good time too. Madi liked playing up in the loft of the cabin and would look over the side of the banister and holler down, "Hi____,(mom, dad, wendy, or jerry) here I am, up here!" ...every 15 seconds rotating through all our names. And then our respond everytime would be like, "Where are you Madi??....oh there you are!" As Madi is giggling to herself with glee! She thought she was pretty funny.

On our way to my parents house in Rexburg we stopped at where the Teton Damn was and saw the remains of it. The Teton damn broke about 32 years ago flooding the whole valley of Rexburg, Rigby, St. Anthony and surrounding towns. Evidence of water was even seen in Idaho Falls, which is like over 80 miles from where the Damn broke! If you are ever in Rexburg, there is a muesum you can go see and read all about it. It's very interesting ...or maybe just to me!

We got to hang out with my family all weekend, playing endless games of Rook, shopping, eating out and having a great time! Thanks Wendy and Jerry and Mom and Dad for a great weekend away!

June 19, 2008

Avery's daily activities...

I thought these pictures were pretty funny of Avery and they show her personality. However, I wanted to write a poem to go along with the pictures to add some spice! haha! I feel pretty silly posting my poor pathetic attempt at trying to rhyme..even Ryan laughed when he saw what I wrote! Ryan very kindly told me I should never go into the raping business. Ok, so I do not have the rhyming talent...haha! But I had fun trying, so I am posting it anyway!

Avery usually wakes up with a little dance and a smile,

But as she plays hard she sometimes crashes after a while.

Avery and Mommy shout with joy and passion,
"Hooray for cookies!" They're the latest fashion.

But sometimes she eats one cookie too many,
And then she ends up with tummy-aches a plenty!

She likes to crawl around the house and get into everything that's bound,

As dirty as she gets I have to put her in the sink and hose her down....

She smiles when she takes pictures with mommy, (lol you can see just how dirty that mirror is! I love little fingerprints!)

And laughs as she climbs on daddy.

She also loves to eat lunches...(ok she loves to eat, period!),
And she checkes the nutrition facts for the food she munches.

She loves to climb up the stairs and is always on the move,
Even when she loses her clothes and is in the nude!

Avery is so sweet and we always want her to be
with us forever as a member of our family!

June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

We would just like to say, Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful Dads! To our own special dads, we would like to say thank you for being such great examples to us and know that you deserve a day completely dedicated to you! We hope you have a great day and we love you soooooooo much!!!
My Dad, Jared

We love you for being such a hard worker and good friend to everyone! You love playing with your grandkids and spending as much time as you can being with us! You love laughing and joking around with us and would do anything for us!

Ryan's Dad, DennisWe love you for being so easy to talk to and joke with! You are the kindest person and have a gigantic heart. You are always a good listener and a very wise councelor.

Tammy's Husband, BobWe love you because you treat mom so good and you take care of her even when she thinks she can do it on her own (which she always says). You are a great grampa and are such a fun and gentle person!

My Very Cute Husband, Ryan

Since today, June 15th is Father's Day, I want to list 15 things I love about Ryan and why I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him!! He will probably be extrememly embarrassed by some of my answers...and his friends...*cough* Aaron, Alan, and Brady *cough*.... might make fun of him, but it's worth it!
1. He is obedient and loves the Lord and shows that through his actions.
2. He takes his church calling(s) seriously and serves the Lord with all his heart.
3. He helps out around the house without complaining or even me asking him!
4. He has an amazing voice and can sing like a star! "Can this BOY sing!"
5. He has some sweet volleyball, tennis, and frizbee skills...
6. He has the prettiest or should I say the handsomest, deep blue eyes and long dark eye lashes...to which every girl is jealous of! (alright Aaron, stop laughing!)
7. He puts family first and is extrememly dedicated to us and loves his little girls so much!
8. He is always taking time to play or read a book to Madisen. (She is a daddy's girl).
9. He is SO funny and is constantly cracking me up to where I pee my pants!! (yes that's right! You try having two kids and a weak bladder and then laughing really hard!) HAHA!
10. He is a hard worker and gives 110% in everything he does...school, work, church callings.
11. He doesn't get too mad a me when I beat him in tennis. He is a great sport!
12. He is the best to cuddle with!! Sorry ladies, you won't be able to try that out! ;)
13. He is so friendly, down to earth and makes others feel good.
14. He is humble, gentle and kind.
15. I could go on and list so much more....but don't want to embarrass him too bad. He is such a great example to me and treats me like a princess and I know I am the only one for him! Thanks for being the best husband and dad! I love you so much! Happy Father's day!!!
Father's Day Cartoon...

June 14, 2008

A Perfect Day...

Our day started with an amazing BBQ...I know we have a BBQ like every weekend, but we love having friends and family over to hang out and eat good food! What's not to love!? We had the Moores and the Johnsons over. We played some mean volleyball and everyone had some sweet moves on the court! (grass) We only got a few pictures...

Amy and Aaron showing off their sweet volleyball skills...

Morgan and Ryan laughing at Aaron's attempt to spike the ball...lol! JK!

"I've got it!"

All the girls together...Abby, Sadie and Madi

Sadie and Madisen eating their rice krispy treats, as Abby gives a HUGE smile for the camera!

After the BBQ and everyone went home, Ryan and I had a relaxing afternoon watching golf...which Tiger Woods had some pretty amazing shots! Then I got to go out and do some shopping, while Ryan stayed home with the girls. I love shopping!! I found some pretty cute stuff...too bad I couldn't buy everything!

We ended the night with a fun competitive game of tennis! Ryan and I took the girls with us. We put Avery in the walker and we let Madi roam the courts near by. It's sometimes difficult to take the kids and try to play a game at the same time, but we make it work! It was a great game!

If I were asked what a perfect day would be like, it would something like today...
Friends, Good Food, Volleyball, Relaxing, Golf, Shopping, Tennis....A Perfect Day!

June 13, 2008

Little Bookworm...

In the past few weeks I have read a couple of excellent books! I really love to read but with two kids and everything else in life, it's hard to find time to read the scriptures everyday, let alone a good story book on the side...or maybe not for some of you, I am probably just a slacker! ;) SO anyway I just wanted to share the books I have read recently...

The Host by Stephaine Meyer:
"A fantastic, inventive, thoughtful, and powerful novel. The Host will keep you reading well into the wee hours of night, and keep you thinking, deeply, hauntingly, well after the final word." —Ridley Pearson, author of Killer Weekend.

This is exactly what happened to me!! I got hooked and read until 4 in the morning! Even though I really liked this book and the message of it, with all books there are always some crazy ideas and concepts that I don't quite agree with and the ending was surprising and different from what I was expecting...well I don't quite know what I was expecting, just not that. However, overall it was a FANTASTIC book! I read the complete Twilight series last year, and they get you hooked too....I don't think I got anything done on those days...it's ok to do that every once in awhile, right?!

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks:
"The Notebook is an epic love story centered around an older man who reads aloud to an older, invalid woman whom he regularly visits. From a faded notebook, the old man's words bring to life the story about a couple who is separated by World War II, and is then passionately reunited, seven years later, after they have taken different paths. Though her memory has faded, his words give her the chance to relive her turbulent youth and the unforgettable love they shared." This book was really good, if you like love stories.... I do like love stories...well modest love stories! There are a few love scence (so skim, skip or do whatever you prefer).

The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks:
This book is the follow up to the The Notebook.... "After thirty years of marriage, Wilson Lewis, son-in-law of Allie and Noah Calhoun (of The Notebook), is forced to admit that the romance has gone out of his marriage. Desperate to win back his wife, Jane's, heart, he must figure out how to make her fall in love with him... again." This book was another confirmation to me that you have to nurture your relationship with your spouse everyday!
Mary, Martha, and Me: Seeking the One Thing That is Needful, by Camille Fronk Olson:
"When someone says, "She is a Martha-type," we know just what that means: a woman who is practical, competent, down-to-earth. We understand that Marthas are certainly useful and necessary, but it's usually Mary that gets the halo. This book brings the unique insights and perspectives to the biblical story of two sisters, Mary and Martha, who serve Jesus in different ways. Exploring the mixed messages in daily life, she discusses the motives and focus that determine our choices and the problem of comparing our gifts and contributions to others. In her warm, engaging style, the author brings to light the lessons Mary and Martha learn from each other and the "one thing [that] is needful."
I loved this book! It has helped me better understand myself and the person I am trying to become. I have always been more of a Martha, yet after her insights and understanding Christ and his messages to both sisters there is nothing wrong with being a Martha as long as we understand what is most important!! This book was very insightful to me.

June 12, 2008

Silly Girls

Madisen loves to make Avery laugh..what big sister or big brother doesn't! It's so cute to see Madi talk and encourage Avery to do things...(like Avery understands everything that she is telling her). Like when Madi tries and helps Avery get up onto the couch or climb up other things... "Come on Avery.... you can do it...ya good job." Or in these pictures, Madi likes to crawl up behind Avery and surprise attack her, tackling Avery before she can get to her destination (which is the couch) and they do it over and over again....making a fun game out of it, as Avery and Madi both laugh uncontrollably!! So fun!
Madi would say, "I got you, Avery!" As Avery is already hysterically laughing...

Like Mother, Like Daughter...

When I uploaded this picture I couldn't believe how much it looked like me when I was a baby! I wish we had a scanner to scan the picture of me when I was a baby that looks exactly the same as this one of Avery...I mean of course she is going to look like me, she is my child, but you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in this picture!
This is one of my favorites of Avery...she is so sweet!

June 9, 2008

Our Tribute to Nachoooooooo!!!!

Ryan and I absolutely love the movie Nacho Libre...I know we are totally weird and dorky...but it is one of our all time favorite movies to quote! We have a few friends that share this love with us too...sorry didn't mean to call you guys all dorks! (you know who you are! haha) Anyway our friends, Jeremy and Morgan also share this great love with us and are constantly cracking us up with their Jack Black impersonations and facial expressions...
Every time they call us or we call them to come over, we say, "I was wondering if you would like to join us in our quarters this night... for some toast. Last night we invited them over for some toast(chocolate cake). We made a cake and before they came over Ryan and I wrote Toast on the top of it with pretzels...they busted up laughing when they saw our "toast". We took pictures with our "toast" as we all desperately tried to make the best Nacho Libre facial expressions. Here's our best work....
Morgan pulling a FANTASTIC Nacho grin...Me, well I stink at making facial expressions, so I just look like a lousy pirate with a twitch in my eye... "argh matey"

Morgan and I laughing so hard we couldn't compose ourselves long enough to make another Nacho facial expression...

Jeremy and Ryan pulling their cheesy Nacho grins....haha!

Ryan longing to eat some "toast".....

Since Ryan and I love this movie so much and many of our friends do too, I thought it would be fun to list some of the most memorable quotes of Nacho Libre....enjoy!!!

Nacho: I was wondering if you would like to join me in my quarters this night... for some toast.

Nacho: Chancho. When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room. It's for fun.

Esqueleto: I don't believe in God, I believe in science.

Nacho: They think I do not know a butt load of crap about the Gospel, but I do!

Sister Encarnación: Well, my favorite color is light tan. My favorite animal is puppies. I like serving the lord. Hiking, play volleyball... Nacho: You gotta be kidding me. Everything you just said, is MY favorite thing to do, every day!

Señor Ramon: What is this? Nacho: Leftovers. Enjoy. Señor Ramon: There is no flavor. There are no spices. Where are the chips? Nacho: Somebody stole them. Señor Ramon: Did you not tell them that they were the Lord's chips?

Nacho: Ok. Orphans! Listen to Ignacio. I know it is fun to wrestle. A nice piledrive to the face... or a punch to the face... but you cannot do it. Because, it is in the Bible not to wrestle your neighbour. Chancho: So you've never wrestled? Nacho: Me? No. Come on. Don't be crazy. I know the wrestlers get all the fancy ladies, and the clothes, and the fancy creams and lotions. But my life is good! Really good! I get to wake up every morning, at 5AM, and make some soup! It's the best. I love it. I get to lay in a bed, all by myself, all of my life! That's fantastic!

Nacho: My life is good. Real good.

Esqueleto: Surpise. [holding corn in both hands] Nacho: Get that corn outta my face!

Sister Encarnación: Where are your robes, Ignacio? Nacho: They were... stinky. These are my recreational clothes. Sister Encarnación: They look expensive. Nacho: Thank you. I mean... they might have the appearance of riches, but beneath the clothes, we find a man... and beneath the man we find... his... nucleus. Sister Encarnación: Nucleus?

Nacho: [singing] I ate some bugs, I ate some grass, I used my hand, to wipe my tears.

Esqueleto: [to Ramses] I think me and my friend are ready to go pro!

Nacho: So anyways, let's get down to the nitty gritty... Who is this Encarnación?

Emperor: In order for you to become empowered by the eagle, you must climb that cliff, find the egg, crack open one of them, and then eat the yolk. Nacho: So, what you're saying to me is if I can eat this yolk, my moves will become the best in the whole world. Emperor: Definitely. Nacho: [holds hand up] High Five

June 7, 2008

I love boxes...

Well there's no story or anything with these pictures...my kids (I guess I should say Madi) just really likes playing in boxes! Boxes can entertain Madi for hours and hours!! And I love boxes just for that reason....it gives me a break from entertaining her!!! Madi climbed in one box and wanted Avery to get in the "anumber"(that's how Madi says other) box. So I put Avery in the "anumber" box. It made me laugh so of course I had to pull out the camera and take pictures! ;)

Hour One...

Hour Two...Hour Three...
Hour Four...

I'm happy that boxes are SO entertaining...I love boxes! ;)