“It has been one of those days today.” Everyone knows what I am talking about, has thought this or has heard it in their life at one point or another (if not, then wow! You must be a pretty positive and perfect person!) You know those days, where nothing seems to be going right, and everything you do seems to go completely wrong! I mean everyday there is always something going on, cereal to clean up, late charges on your electric bill, dog eating your homework, burning your dinner that you slaved over all day, getting an irritating hole in your sock right where your toe is, or getting a juice stain on your favorite shirt, telling your kids to listen to you for the 50th time, (“put that down, don’t touch that, don’t do that, stop doing that, put that away….”), and getting mad that your husband is watching sports instead of watching you…the list is endless. I just want to say, “It has been one of those days today”.
Being a mom is so hard! No, being a GOOD mom all the time is so hard! I try to stay calm and act with patience but that doesn’t always happen in the heat of the moment. When I make a mistake and yell at my kids and then see the look in her eyes, how I made her feel by yelling at her, I just feel like crap! I feel like such a terrible mom! But then I will get upset just a few minutes later at something else she does or get upset about something else that is bugging me and then it’s feeling like crap all over again. I hate yelling and boy do I try my darn-est not to yell at my kids (mainly Madi) but I am not perfect. And I am not patient all the time either and well, today was one of those days… I just felt like crap all day long! I never will be a perfect mom, all by myself at least. I know I need my Heavenly Father’s help every day, especially with raising my kids and being a loving wife. But I still feel horrible when those “todays” happen and when I mess up so bad and can’t be that perfect mom for them. But I am grateful for repentance and that Madi is so loving and forgiving…even when her mommy is so full of well, “crap”. I may not be the most patient and kind mommy, and I have often put myself in time out when I yell or get mad (which Madi thinks is funny when mommy puts her nose in the corner but I hope it helps her realize that mommy makes mistakes too and tries to admit them when she does). I love being a mom, even though it is the hardest job on the planet! I love my little girls so much. They are my pride and joy and I wouldn't change a thing! I hope they know just how much I love them!
Being a mom is so hard! No, being a GOOD mom all the time is so hard! I try to stay calm and act with patience but that doesn’t always happen in the heat of the moment. When I make a mistake and yell at my kids and then see the look in her eyes, how I made her feel by yelling at her, I just feel like crap! I feel like such a terrible mom! But then I will get upset just a few minutes later at something else she does or get upset about something else that is bugging me and then it’s feeling like crap all over again. I hate yelling and boy do I try my darn-est not to yell at my kids (mainly Madi) but I am not perfect. And I am not patient all the time either and well, today was one of those days… I just felt like crap all day long! I never will be a perfect mom, all by myself at least. I know I need my Heavenly Father’s help every day, especially with raising my kids and being a loving wife. But I still feel horrible when those “todays” happen and when I mess up so bad and can’t be that perfect mom for them. But I am grateful for repentance and that Madi is so loving and forgiving…even when her mommy is so full of well, “crap”. I may not be the most patient and kind mommy, and I have often put myself in time out when I yell or get mad (which Madi thinks is funny when mommy puts her nose in the corner but I hope it helps her realize that mommy makes mistakes too and tries to admit them when she does). I love being a mom, even though it is the hardest job on the planet! I love my little girls so much. They are my pride and joy and I wouldn't change a thing! I hope they know just how much I love them!
Pictures of my little girls...they are everything to me and bring so much joy to my life! They make me laugh everyday with their cute smiles and cute things they say and do! They are my ultimate joy! 

Oh my, I have those days all to often. I hear ya! I wouldn't trade being a mom for the world, but it really is a hard job. Physically sometimes, but emotionally ALL THE TIME 24-7. We dont ever get a break, and even when we are sleeping we still have an ear out for our kids. Then, like you said..they do the cutest little things and it just makes life a little easier for a little bit longer! :) Hang in there, we are all there with you! :)
Thanks Nicole for your comment! Hope today is a lot better!
Just in case you hadn't noticed by my last post, I have days like that too...often! You're not alone, and it's OKAY. At least that's what I tell myself.
Hey Christy,
I definitely have plenty of days like this!! It's so hard being a nice mommy all the time trust me! Especially with a 3 year old! Being a mom is one of the toughest jobs out there and I think if we just keep trying our best and asking Heavenly Father for help in those areas we lack we will be okay. I know you are a great mom because you love your girls so much, and that is what matters!!
You know I love coming to your blog because your ARE so postive and loving...a bad day girl friend, they are going to happen, just like cereal, stains and everything else...you have the right attitude sweetie and you are going to make it and you ARE a GOOD MOM. Madi and Avery are very lucky little girls. I am proud of you and love reading of your triumphs and challenges...Love you and can't wait to see you in October.
Love \
Hey thanks everyone for your comments and making me feel a little more normal! It was just that- a bad day!! I am glad that tomorrows come and you can feel a little less guilty. Hope everyone is doing well and having a good day! ;)
Thanks for believing in me MomC! I can't wait to see you and Kim in Oct too!!! It's been too long!
Oh dear friend, you aren't alone. I have days like that too. And it sooo doesn't help when your husband is gone most of the time. But I have those days a lot. Thank goodness that our children and our Heavenly Father are forgiving. Cheer up, there's always tomorrow, and lets greet it with a promise to try better! Love ya and talk soon!
I totally feel you!!!
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