July 31, 2008
First Steps
NEW favorite snack!
"Ah, I love watermelon and pineapple!"
Avery just cracks us up! She has such a sense of humor, even at this age. She pulls this face all the time, (and I know I have posted it before) but I just can't get enough of it! It makes us laugh everytime we look at her! She shakes her head back and forth, stops, scrunches her nose up and does it over and over again as we bust up laughing, which just makes her do it more...such a funny girl! She loved the watermelon and couldn't get it into her mouth fast enough. I thought, she could eat this stuff all day! But then, even sometimes all good (and yummy) things come to an end...
"Ok mom, I think I have had enough..."
"Would you quit taking pictures... I am done!"
So I got a little carried away... I know, I am the meanest mom EVER! haha.
July 29, 2008
Hubby Tag!
2. How long have you been together? together for 7 years, married for almost 6!!!!
3. How long did you date? on and off for a year- we were engaged 5 different times throughout the year...finally sealing the deal in the Boise Idaho Temple! ;)
4. Who eats more? Ryan would say he does, but I say I do.
5. Who said "I love you" first? I am not sure...I will say Ryan did;)
6. Who is taller? Ryan
7. Who sings better? Ryan for sure! He has written, recorded and performed many songs! He has an amazing voice!
8. Who is smarter? Ryan is definitely more book smart, but he and I would agree that I am more common sense smarts.
9. Who does the laundry? Me mostly, but sometimes Ryan helps me fold them when he is home.
10. Who does the dishes? Usually me but he is always willing to help!
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If laying down facing the ceiling, Ryan does.
12. Who pays the bills? Both of us
13. Who mows the lawn? Ryan does...he enjoys it! But I would if he didn't want to.
14. Who cooks dinner? Me, but Ryan is, Master of the Grill!
15. Who drives when you are together? Mostly Ryan, we take turns on long trips though
16. Who is more stubborn? Oh I definitely take this one hands down!
17. Who kissed who first? Ryan! But, I have to say I wanted to kiss him but didn't want to do it first...so I initiated it our first kiss ....I asked him if he wanted a "sucker" kiss. He excitedly said ok, ... so I leaned in, an inch away from his lips and said, "Sucker!" He looked shocked, and of course couldn't believe that I did that, so he threw me down onto the grass and laid one on me! Pretty hot, huh? :)
18. Who asked who out first? Ryan asked me, I turned him down though because I already had a date, but I asked him out the next week because I felt really bad, plus he was absolutely gorgeous!
19. Who proposed? Ryan did all the proposing...we had 5 remember?? But officially really only 3.
20. Who is more sensitive? Me, but Ryan can be too, which is not a bad thing!
21. Who has more friends? Me, at least I like keeping in contact more with my friends, and a lot of his friends have become my friends too!
22. Who has more siblings? Me
23. Who wears the pants in the family? I think we are pretty balanced, but if we had to call it, I think it's me!
Okay, now I will tag anyone who reads this! **Sorry Ashlie another tag! haha!
July 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Colton!!!
Colton! (This was taken in Feb)
My dad, Adam and Colton (Colton's blessing)

Genn, Adam and Colton
July 27, 2008
Daddy and his girls
July 23, 2008
Kids can fall asleep just about anywhere...
Happy Birthday Josh!

Josh and April Peterson
July 20, 2008
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Sunny Sunday
July 16, 2008
"Littl' Punk"
***This picture was taken of Madisen back in May of 2007, but to me, she looks like a "littl' punk"!!
July 15, 2008
Messy Madi
Automatic kitchen-floor cleaner…
July 12, 2008
Swinging with you
Next Top Model!
July 10, 2008
Me, Quirky??

1. I pick at things...pimples, scars, scabs, sunburns, hang nails, anything that is pickable I pick! And NO, I don't pick my nose...haha! for that I like using a kleenex. That's just gross, we won't even go there! But everything else is fair game! Sometimes I don't even realize I am doing it, until Ryan tells me. "Honey, quit picking at my pimples!"

3. I am easily startled. If I am frightened by a noise or a touch that I wasn’t expecting I always jump, scream, shake, run or sometimes…well, I probably shouldn't go there... So whenever Ryan comes into a room where I am, or comes home he gently calls out to me while knocking on the door “I’m coming in…” so I won’t jump, or scream.

4. Ryan says a quirky thing that happens, that he wished didn’t, is when we play card games or board games... 9 out of 10 times I win. I don’t know how or why, I just do. The first five years of our marriage he seemed ok with it, and it didn’t seem to bother him. BUT then all of a sudden just this one day while we were playing, he literally blew up at me!! I guess it was just one game to many that he had lost and well… I guess I can’t blame him!

5. He says, I eat food weird and too fast. For example, today we grilled some hotdogs today for lunch. After every bite I would tear a little bit of the bread off of the bun and put it on my plate. It’s not that there is too much bun for the hot dog; I just like more meat then bread when it comes to eating hotdogs. And I eat really fast because I grew up with two brothers, and if you didn't get your helping, it was gone in a flash!

6. I have two left feet. No, not really but I am constantly running into walls, doors,tables, desks, tripping on stairs, my own feet and falling into people. It's great fun, let me tell you....I mean, I can hold my own on a tennis court, but you bet I am tripping all the way there! Just yesterday, I smashed my toe into a step stool and as I was yelling in agnoy as I tripped and hit the bathroom door on my way down. At least once a day, I bash my foot, elbow or head into something!

Phew! That was really exhausting! It probably was for you too, having to read all of that quirkiness! So take a break and get ready to post your own quirks! Anyone that reads this is tagged by me!!