July 10, 2008

Me, Quirky??

I was tagged by my friend, Yvonne to list 6 Quirky things about me. I honestly had a hard time thinking of things that could be considered quirky... After a few days I still couldn't think of much. By this point, I was thinking I must be a pretty normal person and maybe even cool! haha! But then what is considered normal or cool? So with no luck, I asked my husband if he thought any thing I did was quirky...I shouldn't have opened my big mouth! He laughed and started listing off all these things about me that he thought were so weird, like he had a list right there just waiting for me to ask! Geesh! I was thinking, "Ok, ok, you have already named six things....ok, thanks." Anyway, here are quirky things my husband and I came up with:

1. I pick at things...pimples, scars, scabs, sunburns, hang nails, anything that is pickable I pick! And NO, I don't pick my nose...haha! for that I like using a kleenex. That's just gross, we won't even go there! But everything else is fair game! Sometimes I don't even realize I am doing it, until Ryan tells me. "Honey, quit picking at my pimples!"
2. I talk in my sleep. Ryan gets home late from work and by then I have already been sleeping for an hour or two. I like to know when he gets home so I don't worry...(not that I would really know, since I am sleeping!) So when he tries to wake me up, I say weird things to him. For instance: "Did you give Celeste a bath?" (Celeste being my younger sister who is 15 and lives in Rexburg!) "The cookies are still cooking." "The water is shut off." "Did you get the dishes done?" Or sometimes I just stare at him for a long time he says, before I realize where I am. Which those times I can usually remember the next day starting at him, but don't remember some of things I have said.

3. I am easily startled. If I am frightened by a noise or a touch that I wasn’t expecting I always jump, scream, shake, run or sometimes…well, I probably shouldn't go there... So whenever Ryan comes into a room where I am, or comes home he gently calls out to me while knocking on the door “I’m coming in…” so I won’t jump, or scream. And something that kind of goes along with this is, If I sneeze more than twice in a row usually the third sneeze always gets me, I pee my pants...ok, so I went there! It was inevitable. Yes, I pee my pants, not a lot but enough! I know, I know, I seriously have the weakest bladder on the planet, that's what comes with having kids and a mom that has the same problem. It must run in the family! lol. thanks MOM! ;) But you can't judge me on this, sneezing is totally involuntary and so is the pee! "Free the Pee!"

4. Ryan says a quirky thing that happens, that he wished didn’t, is when we play card games or board games... 9 out of 10 times I win. I don’t know how or why, I just do. The first five years of our marriage he seemed ok with it, and it didn’t seem to bother him. BUT then all of a sudden just this one day while we were playing, he literally blew up at me!! I guess it was just one game to many that he had lost and well… I guess I can’t blame him!

5. He says, I eat food weird and too fast. For example, today we grilled some hotdogs today for lunch. After every bite I would tear a little bit of the bread off of the bun and put it on my plate. It’s not that there is too much bun for the hot dog; I just like more meat then bread when it comes to eating hotdogs. And I eat really fast because I grew up with two brothers, and if you didn't get your helping, it was gone in a flash!

Or when I eat a Reeses Peanut butter cup; I eat only the outside and throw the middle away. It’s way too much peanut butter! I guess that’s why they call it a ‘Peanut Butter Cup’??

6. I have two left feet. No, not really but I am constantly running into walls, doors,tables, desks, tripping on stairs, my own feet and falling into people. It's great fun, let me tell you....I mean, I can hold my own on a tennis court, but you bet I am tripping all the way there! Just yesterday, I smashed my toe into a step stool and as I was yelling in agnoy as I tripped and hit the bathroom door on my way down. At least once a day, I bash my foot, elbow or head into something!

Phew! That was really exhausting! It probably was for you too, having to read all of that quirkiness! So take a break and get ready to post your own quirks! Anyone that reads this is tagged by me!!


RORYJEAN said...

Wow, I can relate to ALL of these things (especially the whole peeing your pants thing). Not so much from my sneezes, but from laughter! I swear sometimes my husband makes me laugh just so I'll run off to the bathroom so I don't pee my pants! haha. I also like to pick at things... it's so hard NOT to sometimes. Thanks for your honesty Christy. I bet if people were more candid about how they did things, then they wouldn't be considered "quirks" but they would be normal.

The Lorenc Family said...

ooooooh! hahahahah! If you really want to know anything, just ask your spouse! That is so funny! I loved it! It's all so true! Especially the games! Thanks!

Cristi said...

I LOVE that post! When you said you weren't going to go "there" I was like dang it!!! But then you did and I laughed. I love the pics you put up, too!

Andrea said...

If there were 6 quirky things about me, I might answer your tag call, but I am the most boring person on Earth. Although, I ditto your "jumpy" quirk. My husband thinks it's so funny that I scare so easily. I'll even forget he's in the room, turn around, and squeal or jump. I chalk it up to having brothers (and a Dad) who LOVED to frighten all us girls. Oh, and I sneeze twice every time I eat chocolate. That's it. Not very exciting. I love how unabashedly honest you are - it's refreshing! I hate sugar-coated perfection. :)

Unknown said...

Boy does Ryan know you! I'm afraid to ask what my six quirky things would be mostly because no one could stop at only six. We love you for each and every one of your quirky qualities, otherwise you would be perfect and boring.