Emily snuggling with her blankie under her shades
Emily with my wedding ring around her wrist
Our little Ethan
Our little Ethan
Everything is velcro; the month, stars, chores, her name, and the little girl. They can all be replaced with other months or chores in the future. I put a list of chores that she has to complete down the side, and everytime she gets it done, she can put a star next to the picture on whatever day it is. At the bottom of the poster board I am going to make and attach some velcro pouches to hold the other months of the year and a little pouch to hold all the stars so she can reach in and grab them herself. (I ran out of velcro to finish the rest of the week with stars, so I need to get more.)
We haven't quite figured out what we are going to do for a reward system, we have been thinking about giving her a certain amount of money for every day/ week she does it. That way she learns more about using money, savings and tithing. Anyone have any suggestions?? Those with older kids, what do you do?
Those that have read my blog for long time, have probably realized I love posting cartoon comics, or what I like to call, "the funnies" (which is what my dad and I call it). Growing up my dad and I would race to the paper every Sunday morning just to see who could get their hands on the comic section first. Of course being the nice dad he was, he always let me read it first or we would read them together. I love those memories. I still love reading them and they always give me a good laugh! I thought since Ryan has had a long week in school and studying a lot lately some jokes were in need.
I love this time of year. Obviously Easter is more then eggs and the Easter bunny. It's a time to remember our Savior, and his atonement and resurrection. He was crucified for us but rose three days later and we have the same promise that we can be resurrected and live with him again someday. I am grateful for that knowledge, and the blessing of being a member of His true church on the earth today. Here's a video clip that I thought I would share from Youtube, by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpFhS0dAduc
We hope everyone had a great Easter!
Avery looks REALLY into the game...doesn't she?
"Hey Mom. You caught us! We're just playing together."
My nephew Colton's turned out the best I think! I love the different shades of red in it.
I am grateful Madisen and Avery play so well together. They rarely fight and spend hours a day laughing, running around, pretending to cook, reading and just enjoying each other's company. Madi never asks anymore if someone can come over to play with her, because she and Avery play so well together. I am glad I had them pretty close in age, as they can entertain each other without constantly needing me. I know they will always be great friends.