December 5, 2011

Our gifts to Him.

I really love this time of year. I love decorating the house with Christmas decor and putting up the tree. I love listening to Christmas music and making hot chocolate. I love how excited my girls get, even the endless, "Is it Christmas today?" I love driving down the street seeing houses lit up. I love giving gifts, and of course I love to get a few too!  :)
But mostly I love this time of year to be able to teach my kids about the Savior and his birth. Last weekend we had fun decorating but we also took time to talk about the meaning of Christmas and we took turns talking about how we can give a present to Jesus. We started this tradition a few years ago and have loved doing it. We put our gifts in a stocking for Him, that we hang on the tree to help us always remember our gifts to Him.

Madisen's gifts to Jesus:  "She will say her prayers at night, be good, clean her room, and be nice."

Avery's gift: "Read scriptures every night, and listen to my mommy and daddy."

Emily's gift: We asked her, Will you be nice? She said, No. We asked her, Will you say your prayers with us? She said, No. And when we asked her if she will be good? She said, No. 

Hmm....Coal for Emily this year??

We were all laughing so hard, Madisen and Avery just thought Emily's answers were so funny. 

I am sure she was just joking...? She is quite stubborn at times, but such a cuddle bug too and can be the sweetest thing ever! Always giving everyone multiple hugs in a row.

Here's our mantle and tree this year! 


Cristi said...

Looks beautiful! We put up a white stocking to put our gifts for Jesus in, too! Cool!

Cristi said...

ALso, I thought Madisen would have asked for a dinosaur! Is that a thing of that past?

Cami said...

I love that idea with the stockings Christy! I bet my kids would love that! I am always debating whether to have more Christmas things around, just because it would be more fun for my kids, but really, storing these things can be a pain. Maybe I'm a grinch. I love your blog Christy!