December 6, 2011

December 6, 1982

Today, 29 years ago at 6:04 am, I came screaming into this world weighing a whopping 8 pound 9 3/4 ounces. I was bald and beautiful (at least that's what my mom says. I beg to differ). My mother also said I was a very CHUBBY baby. So chubby in fact, that ladies in her ward at the time had a hard time holding me for long as I weighed as much as a toddler. And pictures don't lie. (sorry these pictures are not in order)

Me at 2 months old. So plump that my cheeks and arms look tight.

Awww..aren't I adorable!?  8 months old

3-4 months? It wasn't labeled. 

I was biggie size. 
My parents super sized me. Here I am at 9 months old looking swollen and....hungry.

Me at almost 7 months old. I had have a lot of junk in the trunk. It slowed slows me down. 

Only a day old. 

See what I mean? CHUBBY. 

My mom also said I was her best nurser out of all my siblings (Gee...that's great Mom. Not the best title to win in my opinion) and would get done nursing in 5-10 minutes flat, no playing around. (Some things never change). At my one year check up I had gained a remarkable 23 pounds and the doctor said, and I quote, "She must be getting all the cream." (Eww...I know). So do the math and that put me at a Newman record of 31 pounds at a year old. That's biggie size. Sumo wrestler you say? No. But I could have been. I could have also been a plus size baby model. Just check me out in these glamour shots...

Ohhhh yeah. Nice, huh? 
Not exactly sure how old I was in these nude photos, probably 7-8 months old?
And I am not sure if I ever thanked my mom for these either....someday I will get around to it.

My mom also said I was one of her best babies, as in; slept good, ate good and didn't cry a lot compared to my BIG(more like small) brother Adam. 
Adam was just jealous...

In this picture it may look like he is being really sweet and "petting me" but what wasn't captured  2 seconds later was his finger poking my eye!

And in this one...Sure, my brother is looking all cute and innocent but I can almost guarantee he was the one who pushed me off the couch, not that I fell from belly fat. 

Ok, so I fibbed. None of that is true about my brother, except for the part that I was a better behaved baby. And my mom would tell you that. 

But my brother and I were best friends growing up... 

See in this picture my brother is running ahead of me. But what you don't see is when he reached out for my hand to help me along. 
And that funny man there running...that's my dad. The best dad in the world. You know how I know that? Because he had a shirt that said that "Best Dad in the World" growing up, and I knew it was true. My dad is hilarious. He is smart, generous and kind. And loved playing tricks on us!

My parents and Adam and me

Adam and Miss Piggy holding hands.

I have several pictures just like this one where my dad is rocking us. I look like I am drowning in "cheek" fat.

And this is Adam and me jumping into our pool. I was born in Mesa Arizona if I hadn't mentioned that before. I learned to swim before I was two. My mom says Adam and I were born fish. (hmm, I wonder if that has a double meaning?)

Guess I did do enjoy the water. 
Maybe not as much now, as bathing suits freak me out.

And just for the fun of sharing my baby pictures here are a few more:

I was 18 months old. Glad my mom was a safe driver as car seats were not enforced.

My 5th birthday. I loved my peach dress. It was my absolute favorite dress growing up. I could do some mad twirls in that thing.

My second birthday. I was a happy kid. That cake was ALL mine.

My late grandma Newman and I snuggling. 

Me in second grade.

Adam, me, April, and Randy

All 5 of us...Adam, me, April, Randy and Celeste

 And because Christmas is just around the corner, and because I shared the picture last week of Emily on Santa's's the one my mom took of me...

And if you look closely, Adam is hold cold hard cash in his fingers. NO wonder he is enjoying sitting with Santa. I would be too, if I got paid!  :)

Thanks again everyone for the birthday wishes! It's been a great 29 years! Last year in my twenties, kind of have mixed feeling about that, but what I am going to do? Count backwards? ....Hey! That's a great idea. Next year, 28!


Cristi said...

You looked so much like AVERY! Holy cow! And you were not miss piggy! But that was a funny post. Happy Bday!

Carmen said...

Christy, This post of your old pictures was great! You were the cuties baby ever! Chubby babies are the best! I see a lot of Avery in you! Miss you! I am glad that you will be closer to us!

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

I loved this post!! That was the best-and I didn't realize how much little avery looks like you- Hope you had a great birthday! love ya

amy jane carpenter said...

CUTE!!! Your girls look a lot like you.
I must say my favorite photo by FAR were those "baby glamour" shots!! LOL!! That feathered boa was a real nice touch. Have you ever seen that "then and now" blog/website where you send in a photo of yourself when you were younger and then a reenactment photo of yourself today doing the same pose? DEFINITELY need to reenact that one!

Hope you had a great birthday!

Lis said...

Just like everyone else said, you look so much like Avery in these pictures. And you were a pretty chubby baby! Quite the opposite is true now though.

Happy happy birthday! Can you believe we will all be 30 next year? Yikes!

Smiles_allot13 said...

What was mom feeding you!? :)