January 31, 2011

Avery thought it would be "cool" to stick a popcorn kernel up her nose, after many excruciating minutes, tears and digging it out with a hair dye stick she soon came to realize how "uncool" her choice to stick it up her nose was. Luckily, Ryan is specialized on how to handle these type of things and with the hands like a seasoned surgeon, delicately removed the foreign object from the sinus passage.

We are glad she is ok and that she survived this traumatic ordeal.


Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

goodness!!! Good thing Ryan became a PA-think of the money he just saved you lol!!

Andrea said...

My girls prefer beads to popcorn kernels. The key is to make sure EVERYONE in the house sees the (small amount of) blood that results from sticking things in the nose. It prevents future "bright" ideas, and scares them straight.

p.s. Did you make Ryan put on his official name badge before he began? Does that help prevent lawsuits? Is a dye pick a medically approved instrument? Is it what they use in the E.R.? So many questions.

Christy said...

haha! Andrea, no luckily this incident happened 15 minutes before Ryan came home from work for lunch. I tried to get it out myself with the end of a small paintbrush but that didn't work. So I waited till Ryan came home from work and we found the hair dye tool that had a hook to scoop it out. So to answer your question, Ryan already had his badge on, I just thought it was great that it was in the picture too! And I am sure there are other instruments that you could use, but that was the best thing we could think to use at home. I don't know what they use in the E.R. haha!! But it worked!

Joanna said...

Poor Avery! Good thing you guys have Ryan to help in medical situations. Great job, Ryan!

Rachel Schanz said...

Those kids are so good at keeping life exciting right??