January 22, 2011

We are Alive.

Some family and friends have been wondering if we are still alive down here in the south! And I am happy to report we are alive, and well. However, Ryan and I are definitely feeling homesick for our family and good friends we have left behind. It's been awhile since I have updated our blog and I like to keep up on it as it has turned into more or less our family journal. It's nice to be able to record our happenings and also share it with those closest to us. Not a lot to report on this month but it has been a busy one. We are still adjusting to our new surroundings; our new house, new ward, new friends, new job, new callings, new school for Madisen, and the weather. Although, the weather has been the easiest adjustment for us the other adjustments will come with time I am sure. :) Even though we miss our old ward, friends, and family we feel very blessed to be here in Texas and we know we were meant to come to this part of Texas and be in this ward for a reason. Which reasons, we are already coming to know, which makes us feel even more humbled as we know Heavenly Father is always there for us, teaching us and guiding us in our life. It's amazing to see His hand in everything. 

Anyway, my parents and Ryan's parents don't get to see the girls much, except for on Skype every once in awhile, so these video's are for them. Of course you can watch too, if you dare =).

Warning: This first video demonstrates how NOT to sing. It may cause unpleasant sounds to your ears...

Can't say I didn't warn you!

(And to those friends who say my house is never dirty...LOOK here's proof that it is! haha!)

In this next video Avery caught a bad case of the "sneezes" and well, Emily thought it was pretty hysterical.

These last videos are of Bubbies, I mean Emily, TALKING! She is really starting to talk!!! 
...If ONLY we could understand what she is saying...hmmm.

And I can't forget Pictures! Here's a few recent ones from this month:

This was a really cool scripture book I made for Primary. It's laying down in this picture, but it's six feet tall by 4 feet wide. It has four sides with hinges so it opens just like a book. I really liked how it turned out and thought I would share it. I printed the letters with my Circuit machine. Every month in Primary we have a scripture character come out of the book and share their story with the kids. This month we had "Sam" Nephi's brother come dressed in character and talk to the kids about his father Lehi and his brother Nephi and getting the gold plates. It was so neat! And the kids loved seeing him come to life!

Avery and Madisen love getting in their "princess" dresses. They love getting pictures taken when they are "princesses".

How did this picture get on here? And who's kid is that?

Anyway...moving on....

This is the coolest park I have ever been too! It's got everything a kid could imagine! Castles, walkways, slides, swings, tires, cars, houses, ropes and a prison! The girls love going to this park a few times a week.

 Here they are up above waving to me!
 Emily exploring...

Emily crying as she did NOT want to leave... 

Emily back at home and happy with her ONE shoe....

Hope everyone is doing well! 


Smiles_allot13 said...

Emily is growing up so much!!! I don't like it! Miss you guys like crazy!

amy jane carpenter said...

Wish you were in my primary! What a darling book and cute idea!! Glad things are going well for you and your fam in Texas.

Skye said...

Emily is a doll! I was reading some older posts about Emily and how she's a fighter...you sure do know how to get me crying :) What a miracle she is!!! Treasure every moment! We sure do miss you guys. We send our love from Utah :)

P.S.---Way to go Ryan on no pop for a year!!! I couldn't do that!

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

Finally an update!!!! I was wondering where you had gone :)-You are so creative-I wish you were in our primary!!! Your girls are so cute-miss you tons-loved to hear your laugh on the video a sound that brings many memories and a smile to my face!

Lis said...

I have been missing your posts, glad you are back! I think I would do anything to have Texas weather right now!

Loved the Scripture poster. I wish I had the craft gene, not so much.

Cristi said...

Oh boy! They are soo cute! I wish I was in Texas with ya! And very cool scripture book! WOW!

Hawkins Family said...

That scripture book is amazing. I like Lisa wish I had the craft gene. That park looks amazing...and how lovely that you can enjoy it in January! Moving is an adjustment. We didn't move as far, but it is still hard to be away from family, friends and wards you love. I feel for you.