There are a few reasons I usually don't share my food concoctions with others...
1.The dish almost always tastes weird and my husband will try sneaking to the garbage to throw it away, but not before I catch him in the act. haha!
2. I burn food all the time, even with a timer. Don't know how that is even possible, but I seem to make it happen again and again. (I bet I have a faulty timer! That's got to be it! ;) My husband and I even have this joke, that whenever I am making cookies that he cooks the last batch, because I ALWAYS end up burning them. Always.
3. I am not too fond of cooking. Why? Well, that's reason #3.
4. It takes 30-60 minutes or LONGER to make something and 5-10 minutes to eat it. Ugh.
5. The most important reason of them all: By dinner time, I am usually exhausted. So settling for Mac and Cheese or pancakes is fine with me. No big mess, and No, "I don't like that!" or "I want ______ instead."
I think my mom is an amazing cook. Growing up my mom made sure we had a good meal to eat 5-6 times a week. We always ate as a family and I think that is so important. It was so fun being together as a family talking around the dinner table. Those were some of my favorite memories. Looking back I think, Wow! How did my mom do that? I appreciate her now and what she did for our family even more as I have my own family and I am grateful that she made that happen.
Anyway, I made a goal a while ago that I would cook up something NEW, whether that be by experimenting like I did here in this recipe or making a recipe from a book or friend. Well, last week I had some ideas floating around in my head about the food in my fridge that I needed to use up and how I could put it all together. I am sure there is a dish similar to this somewhere but I just did it on my own. That may not be a big deal to all you cooks out there, but for me it WAS! And it was a success. Which is even a BIGGER deal for me...and my husband. Ryan gave it a 9 out of 10!
1lb. lean hamburger (or turkey)
1 package of Butoni noodles
1 medium onion chopped up
1 red bell pepper chopped up (or green)
1-2 cup mushrooms (optional)
2 cup cheese (any kind I guess)
1 jar of spaghetti sauce (or for you amazing cooks, you can make your own! I prefer the easy route.)
I cooked the meat some and then added onions, mushrooms and red bell pepper together. Drain.
While doing the meat, I had a another pan boiling the noodles.
Add a thin layer of spaghetti sauce to the bottom of a glass dish. Layering it like lasagna, I added the noodles, hamburger and vegetable mixture, cheese, and sauce again. I did about 3-4 layers till it was all gone and then topped with cheese.
Put in the oven for 15-20 minutes on 350 just until the cheese is melted. And Wallah! You have a delicious dinner for the family!
Looks yummy!! And I am sure you are a better cook then your letting on-average people just don't have onions and bell peppers laying around to use in their cooking :)
Mmmm...sounds good. I'm starving, cause it's "that" time of the day again when it's time to cook dinner, and I'm dreading it and putting it off. My mom made EVERY meal from scratch, including our lunches (for eight kids!). We NEVER ate out (except on our birthday), and we NEVER ordered out. Never. We ate breakfast and dinner together EVERY day (made for early mornings - Yawn! My poor mom got up at 5:00 every morning to have it ready for us, and I complained about my 6:30 wake-up call...what a brat.). I never gave it a second thought until I had children and a husband to feed. Now I just want my mom to come live with us so she can cook for us, cause it's not happenin' otherwise.
Dinner time...yes, the hardest part of the day. First, having to think of what to make, then making sure you have all the ingredients and the TIME of course. I totally agree w/ long to make and so short to eat. I am not good at making up dishes. Thank goodness for all the recipe magazines, and recipe blogs I turn to for ideas and inspiration.
Way to go on putting stuff together! I often wish I would have gone to culinary arts school...then maybe I'd be more confident in my 'throw dinner together' act. :)
It looks delish! We will have to try it...although I am not familiar with Butoni noodles...hope I can find them.
Christy, I must disagree and agree with several of your statements. I think that you are a good cook, in fact there are some things I always want you to fix when I visit. I also agree that your mother is a great cook, she can accomplish so much in any given day. I'm amazed. I remember cooking every day and now we only cook a couple of times a week and live on leftovers the rest of the time. Given all that you do with your girls and supporting Ryan in his studies I'm surprised you are still sane. Be gentle with yourself because one day the girls will be grown and you'll miss cooking for them. I do remember feeling a lot like you though when I was younger. For me the hardest part was trying to decide what to cook.
Emily is so precious! I am so thankful that her eyes are doing so well. Your family deserves those sweet tender mercies.
Way to go on your weight loss! You don't look like you could lose another .4 lbs, unless of course you chopped off a body part. Your caramello story was hilarious! Those are my favorite! Your blog is so fun to read.
I have also been trying out new recipes and most of them have turned out awful! I do have some wonderful recipes that I have already typed up, so if you want to give me your e-mail address, I would be happy to send them to you. My e-mail address is
Impressive! And it doesn't seem to take too long. Christy, there is a chef in there somewhere! :)
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