June 17, 2009

The Latest on Emily!

I am sorry for the delay in updating you all on the "going on" around here... It's been a busy couple of weeks and I am just having a hard time writing much of anything right now to be honest. It's not that I am sad, I am doing pretty good and have tried to remain positive. Because really, that is how I feel. The Lord has really poured down an abundance of blessings on us and He really is aware of our needs and I know he loves us. It almost makes me cry half the time thinking about it. It's hard not to feel positive and happy. Yet, I think I just needed some time to myself lately and so the blogging has been at the bottom of the, "to do list".

Last Wednesday I got a ride down to Utah with my friend and neighbor, Pam, to go see Emily. Emily is now 2 pounds 13 ounces (as of yesterday.) Emily came off of the ventilator last Wednesday and it was so great to be able to be there with her. They put her on what's called a CPAP; which is a different kind of ventilation. It's called a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine which I understand was initially used by patients for treating sleep apnea at home, but is now widespread across intensive care units as a form of ventilation for infants. So going to the CPAP was a huge step. After almost 6 days on it, Emily was showing signs that she had an infection though. She stopped breathing for a time, so Monday night the nurses put her back on the ventilator. They say it's common for infants to just get tired of breathing on their own and need a little more help. And plus with signs of an infection somewhere,(which they are doing tests to find out where it's coming from) it makes it that much harder for her little body to work so hard at breathing right now. So she has been getting anti-biotics for the infection, a few IV's and a blood transfusion. She is just so tiny and needs to grow to get stronger! Yet, despite these little set-backs Emily is doing good and we still have high hopes that she will be ok and be a fun loving sweet-crazy little girl when she comes home with us!

This picture was taken June 6th the weekend before she got put on the CPAP. I got to hold her for the second time! I am so grateful for these precious moments.

I just think these pictures of her are so sweet.

Now these last two pictures are of Emily on the CPAP. I know, it's not the most flattering machine as the tubes going into her nose make her nose kind of stick up; it forces air into the nasal passageway, not to mention the tape across her nose to help hold the tubes in. And the tubes around her head are, I'm sure, most uncomfortable! But to be breathing on her own for 6 days, is a major step in the right direction! We are praying she will get over this infection soon, or whatever it is and that her little body will fully recover.


Jeff and Laura said...

Christy I hope you have taken some well deserved time to yourself lately. Emily is beautiful and i am so glad she has made some improvements. We are wishing the best for you and your family.

*Sheigh* said...

She is beautiful and that is awesome that she is doing soo well! Keep us posted on everything okay! You and your family are in my prayers! Love ya!

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

What a little fighter-she is a little cutie! Hope all goes well with her infection. We love you!

Cristi said...

Wow! She is looking sooo healthy Christy! Right ON!!!

Skye said...

Go Emily!!! I can't believe how big she is getting! 6 days on CPAP...wow...thats awesome! I hope she has a quick recovery from whatever infection she may have gotten. You guys continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. I think you guys are amazing for how positive and strong you have been through this whole trial. We need to get together again and let kids play...Asher loves your little girls :)

Cherrie said...

I understand the roller coaster ride ya'll are on right now and my thoughts and prayers are with Emily and your family!

Pattie D said...

Christy and Ryan!
Wow she is almost 3 lbs, although still so tiny, she doubled her weight...way to go Emily! I think she is just so adorable and sweet, I love the pic with her little eys open, you hardly notice her friend the CPAP...What incredible technology they have now! I am so glad to hear bout her.

Just Only Me said...

What a little cutie pie! Thanks for the update. You're still in our prayers!

Andrea said...

We're praying, too! What a sweetie.

RORYJEAN said...

Wow- she looks so much bigger- or should I say less tiny? Big doesn't quite seem like the right word, but she'll get there. And look at all of that hair! I'm so glad to hear she has shown that she can breathe on her own- what a big step!

I hope you take some time to pamper yourself in the meantime- you deserve it. Seriously, go get a pedicure or a massage or something- If I lived near you I would kidnap you and take you out for a treat. Thanks for the update. In the words of Dory, "just keep swimming."

Dave and Melissa Geddes said...

Thank you so much for the update on sweet little Emily. She has been in our thoughts and prayers. She is so precious and I am so thankful that she is doing well. I'm sure she will fight this infection and be just fine. I love those pictures of her...what an angel.


I'm so glad that you have taken some time for yourself. You have been through alot lately. I'm glad Emily is doing better. I'm sorry to here that she has an infection. I'm sure she will get better soon. To answer your questions about when my kids were born...Tayson was born at 12:45 and Shaelie was born at 7:12. Take care!

Rachel Schanz said...

She almost looks chubby! :) That is so exciting that she is growing and doing well, we love you guys!!

Nicole Leavitt said...

I am glad to hear an update on Emily! I am keeping my finger's crossed for her!! Take care hon!

Leanne said...

She looks great! GO EMILY!!!

Cami said...


Your little Emily is darling. She looks like a Hodges girl! I will pray for little Emily. Love ya Christy!

Blake and Lara said...

She really does look wonderful! I'm glad things seem to be going well for your sweet girl! I hope you guys are doing well too! Thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog and we would LOVE to come to a BBQ anytime! My number is 801-702-7088. Things are still sort of up in the air for us but we do plan on being back in Pocatello by fall at the latest. You guys are awesome!