June 12, 2009

Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act

I was watching the Oprah Show today and she had a mother that lost her daughter to a online predator. The girl was 13 and was raped by a man who later went to jail, but before that happened this little girl was so depressed she killed herself. Oprah also had on her show, a young woman that had been kidnapped at the age of 13 and became a sex slave for four days by a guy she met online. If you didn't see this show and want to read about it you can go to Oprah.com. I have always been concerned about protecting kids online especially after hearing about so many kids falling prey to these monsters. One of the scariest things to me is when I see kids alone in their rooms with a computer or in a secluded area of the home with a computer online. It is even scary to me that parents give young kids cell phones with internet access. We are all entilted to our own opinion about this, but I really am passionate about protecting kids from the dangers of online predators and pornography.


If you would like to help with this please go to this site on Oprah (sorry I still haven't figured out how to do a link on my blog!), print off this letter, find your senator/congressman/woman address in your area, sign, and send it off. I sent it to both senators and house representative and it only took me 5 minutes!

Please protected our children!!!


Just Only Me said...

I agree, scary world we live in. We can't be too careful.

Andrea said...

Have the pornography missionaries (I don't know their real title) come to your ward yet? They came to ours a couple weeks ago, and I loved their presentation(in Sunday School). It made me feel empowered and aware, and not so afraid. We have to talk about these things if we expect to protect our children (and ourselves/spouses)!

Skye said...

I love the new background...very patriotic :) There is definately scary stuff out there in the world, and we as parents have a HUGE responsibility to protect our children.