There is a non-profit organization called, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, in Utah (and actually I think it's across the world...??) that takes pictures of infants that pass away from about 25 weeks and up. Ethan was 25 weeks and 2 days old when he passed away. So we were able to get a professional photographer to come and take pictures for us to remember him. This was the best present any mother could receive! I will cherish these pictures forever!(Thank you Heidi for letting me know about this.)

Jessica Kartchner was the photographer, she lives in Salt Lake City, and she did an amazing job on these pictures! She also made us this collage of pictures for us to hand out to family and friends. It turned out beautiful. Thank you so much Jessica!

Those pictures are amazing. What a precious, tiny little boy. Your family is still in my thoughts and prayers.
These pictures are just beautiful. The photographer did a great job. Thanks for sharing them.
First of all I just want to tell you that I think you're a pretty incredible person and, though I don't know your family personally, I think they're amazing as well. I literally sobbed reading through your last few posts. Your experience has really touched me and and you've been in my thoughts and my prayers. These have all been written with so much more love in them than sadness and I think that's what has touched me the most.
Absolutely stunning and gorgeous pictures of a precious little spirit. Thank you for sharing them.
How's little Emily? We're sure pulling for her from North Idaho. :)
Those pictures are just beautiful. I'm so glad that you got to have those pictures done and can have those to keep. He looks so peaceful. I'm so glad that you guys have the knowledge that he'll be yours forever.
I am so glad you got some good pictures of Ethan-what perfect little fingers and toes. You guys all look so cute at the funeral. The girls dresses are gorgeous and you look so good!-I wish I could of been there. Hope all goes well with little Emily-We love you
What a little angel! He looks so good and at peace.
Like I said before, what a great idea to have some professional photographs taken! They are a treasure.
Ok, more crying!!! :)
Those are such precious pictures. I love the one of his feet in your wedding rings. He looks so sweet and peaceful. I'm sure you will cherish these the rest of your lives.
Hey Christy and Ryan,
I wanted to say thank you for letting all of us share this experience with you. It has been very precious and sweet. I'm so sorry you had to go through such a difficult thing! You guys are amazing parents and such strong individuals. I love you both and your beautiful babies! Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
Love, Sarah
What a wonderful gift of recorded moments and memories. Everyone of those pictures of Ethan and you guys are incredibly perfect and priceless! I'm so glad you were able to get professional pictures done, he looks so good in his tuxedo. Thanks for sharing your faith and guys have touched so many hearts :) We wish your family the best and are cheering for Emily!
Thanks for sharing your precious Ethan with all of us. This sweet precious son of God has touched all our lives. He is so perfect in every way. Your mom and Tammy did such beautiful work on their parts. Your sweet little girls looked like a breath of spring in their dresses and the weather looked beautiful for the day. Always a plus in May for fickle Idaho weather. I wish I could have been there to serve you that day, but alas I could not, but my heart was with you. Your little family is daily in our prayers. DadC has taken the lead in remembering you, Ryan and the girls each morning. We hope Emily continues to progress. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us. May the blessings of peace and eternal assurance continue to bless your lives!
We love you!
Love and hugs
Mom and DadC
He is truly an angel sent from heaven. These pictures are so tender and beautiful. There is nothing like the love of a parent and that love is so evident in these sweet pictures. May the Lord and Ethan together watch over and bless your wonderful little family.
What a beautiful sweet son! Thinking of you during these difficult times...
Wow. He really is so cute. I am so glad to see you got these pictures. Brady's mom only has twp pictures of his sister Marlow before she died. She has always wished she had more.
I love the pictures. What peace and joy they will bring every time you look at them. He's so beautiful.
I'm so glad that you guys had so much support through all of this, especially for the funeral. How blessed we are as members of the Church to have so many that love us and are will to serve us in our own times of need. I just love these pictures of your little Ethan. They turned out so precious. I'm sure you will treasure them forever. I hope better times are on their way for you and your family. Thank you so much for the testimony and faith you have both shown all of us. We will continue to have you all in our prayers.
The pictures turned out so beautiful! I'm glad that it worked out for you to do it... My favorite is the one of Ethan and Emily together!
What an amazing gift to have and I am sure you will treasure them forever!! He is so handsome!! Love ya!
Those are the sweetest pictures ever! I'm so glad that you were able to do something like that. They are definitely phots you'll treasure forever! And I wanted to say that the girls looked so cute at the funeral, and it sounds like everything went smooth for you guys! Once again thanks for your amazing example. I can't think of 3 better words right now: FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!! Love you guys!
Those pictures are perfect, as is your sweet little boy! As mentioned before, he looks so peaceful.
Beautiful pictures! What a sweet, perfect angel!
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