Dear Friends,
I was going to leave a comment and comment on all your comments but I want to make sure everyone knows how appreciative I am for your kindness, your concerns and your love. (Watch out, this post might get mushy!) I am deeply humbled that so many of you want to help in any way you can. I am grateful to all of you, for your kind words of encouragement, offers to bring dinner, take my kids, and even clean my house! I have gotten many emails, comments on here and on facebook, phone calls, and even visits from you, and I feel truly blessed to have such amazing friends and family that care so much about me and my family. So many of you expressed heartfelt sympathies and concerns for what I am going through, but I have to say I am also a bit embarrassed, as that was not my intention in writing that last post- to get sympathy. (What did I expect after complaining? ...I guess I wasn't expecting the outpouring of love that you all have shown me in more ways than just your comments. That just shows you what wonderful friends you are!) So I hope you don't think I am ungrateful for your kind words and your willingness to want to help. I am TRULY grateful! Just you-letting me know that you are there to help, if I need it (unless of course you have a cure for pregnancy sickness :) is all I could ever ask for.
It's a hard thing to do, to ask someone for their help. Everyone has their own families to look after and we all have busy lives, so it's extremely hard to ask for help. But it's humbling to know you all want to help in any way you can. I know when I find, make or am given an opportunity to serve others, that is the part of me that I like best. Finding, making or given a chance to serve, is finding and bringing out the person who I want to be and who, I hope the Lord wants me to be and is molding me into the person I need to be. This is true for all of us. I love the feeling when I am serving others and I always walk away feeling like it was more of a blessing for me than it was to the person I had the chance to serve.
I have never been good at asking for help, (I sure I can say, most of us feel that way). My mom has told me from time to time, "you need to let someone help you". In the last few weeks since finding out we are having twins, I have felt a little overwhelmed. Can you blame me? This is a lesson I am going to need to learn; To ask. And it's not going to be easy. I know when they are born, I will need all the help I can get; and asking for it is going to be one of my biggest challenges. I am not really sure why either. It's not that I feel I know everything (cuz wow...I really have no clue about anything!) or that I feel I am too proud to ask for help, it's more because I feel there are so many others MORE in need and that my little struggles aren't anything compared to some. You know what I mean?? I also feel that I have so many neighbors/friends that already do so much for me without me asking, that to ask for more help would just be...well, I don't know...??
Anyway, I didn't mean to turn this into a essay paper. (Now I need a conclusion paragraph. haha. just kidding.) What I want to say is, Thank you. Thank you for your willingness to serve. Thank you for your love that you have shown me. Thank you for your dear friendships. I am so blessed to know each of you. I love you!
Imagine a world where no one ever asked for help. There would be almost no opportunity for service and the love and friendship that comes with it. It is hard to ask for help, but you deserve it! Pregnant with twins while raising two kids and suffering from severe morning sickness. I'm a pansy compared to you- I couldn't handle it. You're amazing! I wish I lived closer- I would love to watch your girls or bring you a meal or something. Hang in there!
Love ya, girl!
Silly you. I would have already brought something over, but am too afraid of NOT being asked...I don't want to impose, or worse, make you even sicker by bringing food that you abhor. It's better to ask, cause then people know what they can do to help. Everyone wants to help, but lots of us just don't know EXACTLY what to do, and don't want to get in the way. Maybe you could post once/week with a list of things you could use that week. Then people would have a jumping-off point. :) I know you won't, but it would be helpful!
I'm with Rory and Andra on this one... If I lived closer, I would already have kidnapped your kids for play dates galore while you slept the morning away...(or, vomited the morning away... haha) just kidding!!... But also, ask for help my sweet friend. People will JUMP for the opportunity to help you. You are always thinking of others, now its other peoples turn to think of you and your needs. I LOVE YOU!!!!
We are only returning the kindnesses you have done for us and that have been done by others. Besides, it is rather selfish of us, we like being around you, the girls and our cute Ryan. I had the same thoughts when I had my three kids in 3 1/2 years. Believe me you will have LOTS of opportunity to help others when your kids are older.
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