Well it is a good thing I put up a warning the other day about my blog! Only then, was I just joking around about the images you might find, but as I got on this afternoon I shocked to hear that one of the songs I had added to my playlist had an inappropriate swear word. It was obviously the wrong version of the song by James Blunt, You're Beautiful. He is rather Blunt in that version!! Anyway, it's a beautiful song but I am not one that takes to swearing lightly, it's just not cool in my opinion, so I hope I didn't offend anyone if they had heard that song while on my blog, and if you had, then I hope you accept my apology!!!
I was so offended-how could you?! JUST KIDDING-I never heard the music on your playlist but now I probably will listen to make sure you don't have inappropriate music on there.:) Didn't even notice so I am sure no one else did. Hope everything is going good for you guys.
I didn't notice it! But I did hear the bad version online a couple years ago and I was like, HUH!!????
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