March 26, 2016

Easter-Celebrating Christ's Resurrection

I love Easter time. I always feel the spirit so strongly this time of year. I love celebrating His resurrection and knowing that we will all be resurrected someday and live with our Heavenly Father and family and friends that have passed on before. I reflect a lot on Ethan this time of year, and although it makes me sometimes sad and down it also gives me incredible hope for the future and Christ's promise to all of us that if we live our lives the best we can He will make up the rest and we will have eternity to spend with our loved ones. 

We don't dye Easter eggs every year but this year we did. The girls enjoyed it but I think Uncle Sean enjoyed it more! ;)
We also did a few Easter activities during the week to talk about Christ's resurrection and the importance of what Christ did for us. 

March 11, 2016

BFF :)

One of my best friend's from high school, Kimberly, stopped by for a visit during their kids' week off of school for Spring Break. It was so good to see her!  And it was her birthday the very next day. We only get to see each other once or twice a year, so it's so nice to catch up with her. She is such a great person and friend. And I truly love her for the person she is and helped me to become in High school and now. She is so kind and always serving others. She is super fun and makes the room light up with her presence. Just a great example to me always. She is also so talented and extremely gorgeous!!

 And it's fun seeing our kids together and how much they have grown since last time.

March 1, 2016

Strange things are happening at school....

Hat Day!! 

I think that explains itself....

Those are some cute kids though. :)

Strange things are happening here,

But don't be in fear.

It's just THING 1 and THING 2 

3 little THINGS being crazy and blue.

It's Dr. Suess Day at school 

And that's gonna rule!

(I tried, ok!) haha!

Madison's school project. She did most of the painting and helped dad with the building of it. I helped her glue on the sticks. And she planted stuff in the "yard". 
She got an A! Good work kid. :)