April 3, 2015

CSI Easter Egg Hunt/ Activities

At CSI every year they do a community Easter Egg Hunt. Madisen was at Riley's (their 3rd cousin) birthday party so I took Emily and Avery over and we had a great time! There were so many eggs and as many kids scrambling for eggs as well. If you were fortunate enough to grab a golden egg, you won a sweet prize at the end of the hunt. Avery had the gold egg almost in her grasps when a kid pushed into her and pretty much took it from her. She was quiet sad. But I just told her, That boy must have needed the prize more, that, or else Karma will get him someday! ;)  

The girls were so funny when they were getting eggs too. I would watch them pass up a blue or green egg to run 5 more feet and grab a pink egg. Hahaha! Sillies. After the egg hunt they had fun activities and games for all the kids to take part in, where they would collect even more eggs, (as if they didn't have enough already)!

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