July 30, 2012

We can do Hard Things.

Putting in your own yard, is a lot, I mean, A LOT of work. I had no idea. We bought 14 tons of soil/dirt for our yard, as we had some holes and really uneven areas in our yard and we wanted to raise those spots. Well the soil we received was so full of rocks, we had to sift through all of it! One shovel scoop at a time. So two months later we finally were able to plant grass seed. What a nightmare. haha! It's all done and over with now and my arms are buff-er (is that a word) than ever before! (Anyone want to arm wrestle? I'll take you down! ;)

 I thought I would share before and after photos....just so we (Ryan and I) can always remember how cool we were... I mean, how much work we did together. :)

This is before the side vinyl fence was put in. All the weeding was done across the yard before I took pictures.

All our lovely weeds on one side of the house. 

Weeds pulled and dirt pile sifted through...

 Even Ryan's muscles grew which, I thought would be impossible as they were so enormous already! :)

Look, grass!! We did it! There are still lots of patches that didn't grow as well and we are getting lots of weeds too, which I guess, is normal. But it's looking better! We hopefully will have a functional backyard by the END of summer...yay!  (Just a note to anyone ever buying a new house... Have the builders put in the backyard!!) It was a lot of hard work, but yet, in a strange way it felt good to work hard. Weird, huh? Thanks to my parents too, for coming down one weekend and helping us.

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