November 11, 2009

That Darn Scale!

This weight loss/life style change has been for the most part, difficult. Yet, exciting in a weird sort of way too. I had 25 pounds or so to lose, and have only lost about 17-18. I set a goal to lose 24-25 pounds in four months. Well as you can see, I didn't make my goal. I still have about 7 to go...(more like 9, now that Halloween is over and Thanksgiving and Christmas is coming up.) Fluctuating a few pounds here and there is normal to do...right?

During the week I do pretty good. But when the weekends come I am starving! I eat everything in site. So all that hard work I put in during the week vanishes just like that, and I am back again on Monday trying to lose the weight I have already lost a few times before! So frustrating.

I have had moments of weakness as the temptations were just too great and my will power not so great, and I reluctantly gave in. Yet, after giving in to a dozen chocolate chip cookies (not kidding) or some sort of mouth-watering chocolate dessert with triple chocolate filling coated in chocolate then dipped in more chocolate, (ok, I have no idea if that made sense...just think deep) I immediately regretted it...mostly. :)

After giving in, I would immediately vow to push myself even harder the next day as a punishment for my bad behavior. (haha!) One of my moments of weakness was when Ryan brought home my favorite candy bar, a Caramello Bar, and I said (more like shouted), "Why did you do that?!"
His response: "I thought you loved these!"
Me: "I do! That's the problem!"

You can probably imagine what happened, but I will give you a glimpse anyway:

Me sitting on the floor, doing exercises (we are imagining here) as Ryan walks through the door surprising me with THE bar. My eyes grow large and immediately the candy bar and I have a stare off. As I am staring down the Caramello bar, trying to muster up the worst glare I possibly can, instinctively the amount of saliva in my mouth has doubled, then tripled the longer I stare and before I know it- I am at war.

Mind: "Don't do it."

Mouth: "ChOcoLAtE...cARaMel...Ooooo."

Mind: "Don't do it."

Mouth: "ChOcoLAtE...cARaMel...Ooooo."

Who do you think won?


I did partake. And it was exceeding fine. :)

On the other hand, I have had moments of pure victory! Like when I turned down a juicy double cheeseburger, extra large fries and large chocolate milk shake from McDonald's for grilled chicken, steamed vegetables and water instead. Surprised? I was.

Or when on another occasion Ryan hid a candy bar under my pillow, trying to tempt me once again to partake of the goodness. (You are probably thinking, "what a mean husband for trying to tempt you so much!" ...Yes, but really all he was trying to do was strengthen my WILL POWER. Really.) I gathered up strength from somewhere deep and refused that time. Other moments of victory I have had are when exercising at the gym and staying on the cycling bike till I burned so many calories even though my body burned all over. But it felt good. Real good.

My friend, Emily, who I have been working out with almost every morning, has made many goals with me. She is amazing and pushes me to work harder. I seriously couldn't have done it without her. (Now I sound like an emotional contestant on the Biggest Loser!) But it's true. With all kidding aside, I am grateful to her for going and working out with me at 6am. It's so nice to have a workout buddy so you can push each other farther and give each other encouragement. We have this rule that whenever we are tempted to eat something "bad" (or rather "good") we have to call each other so the other one can chew us out for even thinking of doing such a thing. It's been quite hilarious really.

Even though I didn't make my goal in the time I wanted to, I am going to keep working towards it. I have learned a lot more about exercising and eating healthier. I have learned many new recipes that are low in calories and very nutritional. And I have also learned a whole lot more about weight lifting. I feel so much better just losing 15-17 pounds. It's amazing the difference a few pounds can make. Thanks for letting me share my personal weight-loss journey with all of you!
Here's some hilarious cartoons now...


Ben and Terah said...

Wow! You are awesome! Keep up the great work! Losing weight is so hard to do!

Alex and Kimberly Rasmussen said...

Christy-I think what you have accomplished is great! I love your stories they always make me giggle-thanks

amy jane carpenter said...

So funny that you posted this! I was just thinking today how bad i was for eating too many handfuls of the most decadent chocolate chips and a handful of peanuts at the same time. Seriously so good! I don't regularly buy candy or sweets but still manage to figure out ways to eat today with the handfuls of improvised "peanut m&m's". I have a serious lack of will power. Glad to know i'm not the only one! But way to go on the 17lb weight loss! You're already tiny, you've probably disappeared by now! After seeing those darling pictures of your family you posted a little bit ago i'd say you look perfectly skinny and i was literally gasping at your glowing skin and coveting your darling hair and lovely face! (and i know you don't believe me, but I'm totally being serious!) But anyways, good job! you're my idol now. :)

Tammy said...

I'm glad that you aren't beating yourself up too bad for not losing your weight in the alotted time, you did just give birth to two babies and are home taking care of three kids afterall. Seriously you look amazing and I know that you will make your goal, even if it isn't in the alotted time.

I must say though that I am jelous because I've been on two doses of steroids for my swolen bronchal tube and I've gained back all the weight I had lost. The Doctor assures me that the steroids will be out of my body soon. Oh well, if I can't make my goal this year I'm glad that you did. I'm proud of you and I'm also proud of Ryan for trying to spoil you by bringing you something you love...even if it was bad timeing.

Christy said...

Amy- You are SOO funny! I laughed when I read your comment. You are so nice! Thanks for your sweet compliments. It is I though that have always thought you were the most beautiful person ever! I have always thought you could be a model, you are just gorgeous! I am always too hard on myself, but you just totally made my day...week!!

Mom- Thanks Mom! You have been through a lot mom, I admire your strength...Come visit soon, we will work out together again! Love you!

Andrea said...

Where do you work out?! I want to work out, but can never find anyone that will work out at the same time that I can work out (before 7:00 am). Can I come?

p.s. I know from experience that you look amazing. You were workin' that Walmart shopping cart.

Christy said...

Hey Andrea! Emily and I go to the ISU campus gym every morning. Her husband works there so she gets a free pass and Ryan's in school there so I pay like $30 a semester. I don't know what the cost is for non-students?? The gym isn't the nicest, but it has everything we need so yeah. You can totally come with us! Let me know what you find out!

Just Only Me said...

You are awesome Christy. Hang in there!

KristaN107 said...

You ARE amazing. Holy cow. You are the busy mother of three small kids, a wife, the food maker, the house cleaner, the errand runner, and whatever else you are and STILL manage to diet and excersize. I'm very impressed! and you ALREADY looked aweome before! Now you are just drop-dead gorgeous!
As for me? I work 4 hours a day. Period. No kids, no husband...And I can't seem to do it. Where do you get your motivation?
I LOVED The cartoon with the little girls and the scale. "Don't step on it! It makes you cry!" HAHAHAH!! I laughed SOO hard.

Skye said...

I think you look great! I don't think you need to lose anymore weight, you look totally in shape!!!

I love reading your posts, they always bring a smile to my face. Those comics made me laugh... especially the last one. I could totally see myself eating junk food and trying to hide from my workout buddies :)Keep up the good work, you are doing awesome!!!

Cristi said...

Christy you make me LAUGH out flippin loud! GOod job, too. I want to lose about 5 pounds but I seriously cannot do it. I don't want it bad enough. I'm impressed you've lost as much as you have.

RORYJEAN said...

Christy, you are amazing. Weight loss is so... HARD! I just love food so much. You inspire me to keep on keeping on with my goal to be more healthy. I have about twenty pounds to go before I reach the weight I feel healthiest at. Twenty pounds sounds like so much, it's easy to feel hopeless and prepare to wear my maternity clothes for the rest of my life, but you've inspired me. I was also admiring your family pictures (and feeling a bit jeallous). You don't look like you have had four kids!

RORYJEAN said...

Sorry if you got two comments from me that say basically the same thing- my internet connection is being pesky.

Rachel Schanz said...

you are an inspiration! if only i wasn't a lazy bum i would totally be there with you :)

Joanna said...

Great job! That is a lot of weight to loose in such a short time. Congratulations. You inspire me.
Can you send some of your recipes my way. I would love to start cooking more healthily.

The Lorenc Family said...

hahahaha! I forgot to tell you I am doing your weight loss challenge with you. But I think I have now gained back more than I lost! I am hoping it is just because I am nursing and MATTHEW loves the sugar. I normally dislike sugar and go for veggies. But I am all over steaks, burgers, shakes, and candy! I also think my will power has shrunk since I haven't really fasted for the past SEVEN years. Man. Thankfully I have started enjoying exercise or else I might feel to sink, or fatten, into an enormous blob! (Can I have some of that Caramello...?)