Avery cracks us up all the time with her many facial expressions. This one though, is her "signature look".
When she is pulling this face we can't help but laugh with her and make the same face back at her. We do this over and over again, taking turns like some crazy game. And if we are close enough to her face she will lean over and put her nose on ours, while squinting her little eyes. And when she gets our full attention (which is pretty easy when she is doing this to us) she laughs her "fake" laugh right in our face. I can't help but kiss her chubby checks all over even with all the mess!!
It's funny how your kids are still so cute to you, even with all the slobber and left over food smeared across their face. And the more we laugh at her when she does this the longer she does it back! Silly Avery.
How funny! I love these silly moments. She's so cute, so much personality!
Christy! Hey! -it's Amy 'bench' carpenter from CHS back in the day:) -saw that you had a blog on facebook and just wanted to tell you how stinkin cute your family is! I read through just a few of your posts and just wanted to tell you that I am right there with you and all this mom stuff and thinking a lot of the same things you are (such as your post on blogging and kids watching TV). You're so hilarious and actually make me feel like maybe I'm not the only crazy one! JK. Anyways, just thought I'd let you know! Oh and p.s. you pretty much look gorgeous no matter how long or short you wear your hair...and your eyelashes are still longer than mine.
Looks like the same look Landon gives us :) the little scrunched up nose what a little cutie :)
Cute Avery! Love those cheeks.
You look absolutely goregous either way your hair is, but I love it short! Adorable!!
Glad you are back and blogging!! The family pictures are AMAZING! I love them!! You know what else I love??? Your new do! You are lucky that you look great with long or short hair??? I don't know to much about hairdos...but i love your hair in your family photos....how do you do that?? (please don't laff at me!) Hope you are having a marvelous day and those pictures of Avery made me smile!!
Thanks for the invite!!! Love the family pics...it's always nice when you get everyone looking so great!
I love her little wrinkled nose- so adorable! She has a fake laugh? You have to get that on video- thats gotta be pretty funny.
Its true that your own kids never gross you out- Cameron and I will kiss Apollo even when his face is covered in crusty food.
Krista has a blog: http://brazimerican.blogspot.com/
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