September 9, 2008

Christy's yearbook extravaganza

1950...Classic beauty or class clown?
1964...Geek or Chic?

1966...This look is actually quite cute I think, maybe a little less volume all around, but overall this is my favorite hair-do.

1978...I look like a white Diana Ross!

1982...This hair do is swallowing my face! The girls must have used it as some sort of umbrella when it rained...hmm...mushrooms anyone?

1990...ohhh those AMAZING mile-high bangs! ...I don't miss those at all!
1994...Perm crazy era! Looks like the fashion in Utah right now...


RORYJEAN said...

Hahaha!!!!! You are hilarious!!!!

The Lorenc Family said...

oooh! ooh! This was better! lol!