August 22, 2008

Our baby is ONE!!!

Happy Birthday AVERY!!!


Yesterday was Avery's 1st birthday and I can't believe our baby is ONE already! Where did the year go?! We had a little party for Avery while we were in Rexburg at my parent's house. Ryan and I bought Avery a baby doll, and she loved on it right away, patting it and carrying it all around the house. It was surprisingly cute to see her walking around with a baby, as I have been so used to Madi carrying around nothing but animals and dinosaurs. She got some books and a ball from Aunt Genn and Uncle Adam. My parents got her some clothes and a toy pony. Thanks guys! We bought her a chocolate cake for her birthday...and what baby doesn't love chocolate cake?! She dug both hands in, giggling with delight, as her legs kicked in excitement devouring every little piece that her fingers could pick up!


She loves her baby doll

I thought it would be good to list for my own record, some of the things she has learned to do or things about her:

-she's a cuddle-bug, and just loves to be held

-she is a mommy's girl!

-she has such a funny personality and loves to laugh and make us laugh

-she is pretty easy going and doesn't cry a lot, unless someone steals her food! ;0

-she is a really good baby, usually waking up happy and smiling

-she is a good sleeper, and ususally sleeps anywhere from 10-12 hours a night!

-she has eight little teeth in her mouth

-she is a good little eater, loves pretty much any food and whenever she hears a wrapper or anything that sounds remotely like it could be food, she is on the move!

-she likes to climb up or down anything. She climbs up and down the stairs fairly well without

-she likes to help me cook, yes that's right...she is my assistant and is always there holding onto my legs as I walk back and forth across the kitchen from the sink to the stove, making sure I do everything right! ;)

-she likes to clap, dance, give high-fives, give kisses, and wave hi and bye!

- she jabbers a lot, but she does say a few words: "dadda", "momma", "uh-oh", "hi", "go" and she said "down" a few times the other day.

-she knows a few signs that I have taught her; dog, milk, and more.

-she loves to play with Madi and follows Madi around the house

- she loves to play peek-a-boo and likes to hide behind things, or she covers her eyes (ususally just one) like she is hiding.

-she actually is delighted when I sing to her, even though I am not so good at it!

-she started walking about two weeks ago, almost running now! (well as fast as a one year is able to anyway)

-she likes to wear hats like Madi, but it's a struggle to keep hair bands on her most of the time!

I also thought it would be fun to list a few things I have learned:

- I have learned to cheerish the time I have with my kids so much more, because I realized with Madi that they grow up way too fast...(even though I feel that I appreciate the time more with them, it still goes by way too fast!!)

-I have learned to slow down and take everything in, live in the moment, and try not to miss a single facial expression or sound

-I have learned to rely on the Lord a lot more, I am still not perfect at it, probably never will be, but being able to pray whenever I want to or need to, is so comforting and such a blessing!

-I have learned that the greatest joy in life is truly being with my kids and my family!

-I have learned that being a MOM is the best!!!


The Suttons said...

I can't believe Avery is 1-happy b-day to her! I remember when you were almost due with her and you spoke in our ward-that seems like forever ago. Isn't it amazing how much you learn from your kids? I think they have taught me more than anyone else. You are a great mom and your girls are so cute!!

Christy said...

Thanks for the comment and the birthday wish!

RORYJEAN said...

I love those cake-eating pictures. Isn't it amazing how much can change in a year, yet how fast it flies by? Being a mother changes how your percieve time, I think. Happy Birthday!!!!