June 4, 2008

Here's to Allstate...No not the insurance company...the fish!

The other day Ryan and I were walking home from a neighborhood BBQ and as we were getting to our front door, our good friends Aaron, Amy and cute little Abby walk around from the side of the house and surprise us! They came by to visit us but since we weren't home they decided to take advantage of us and use our backyard....HAHA!! Just KIDDING...No we thought it was pretty funny! (We are good friends with the Moores so anything that is ours is theirs and vise versa...lol. right??...and besides Aaron saved my life a few months back, so they and anyone else who wants to play in our yard anytime is always welcomed!:)) Anyway, as we were talking with them that night I had mentioned that we wanted to buy a fish for Madi. We were going to buy one when we took our trip to the pet store last week, but decided to wait. Well, Amy said they have had a fish for almost three years and wished they were fish-less... well I guess their fish, Allstate must have overheard because a few days later he went belly up and they had to flush the poor thing ...what a coincidence huh?? Hmm...sounds pretty "fishy" to me...hehe. (JK guys! I know you didn't murder your fish...)
Amy remembered me saying that we wanted to get a fish for Madi to feed and take care of. So after their fish Allstate died, they surprised us with a new fish, a fishbowl, and fish food for Madi!!! Isn't that SO nice!? We were pretty surprised and well, Happy! Madi watch it last night for awhile telling me over and over again that we have a fish...We asked her what we should name it-don't know if it's a boy or girl... but she kept saying, it's Happy Fish, I don't know if she meant that's what she wanted to name it, or if she was just saying she was happy to have a fish...so we decided to call our new fish, Happy. Happy the Fish. Sounds fitting as Madi was so happy! Thanks Aaron, Amy and Abby for the fish! And thanks to Allstate for giving up his home for Happy...here's to you!
May you rest in peace.

Our new fish...Happy!

Madi went in and got her stepstool to watch Happy.


Cristi said...

Yay Madi! Yay Happy!

The Moore Family said...

To Happy the Fish: May you live a long prosperous life. Maybe you will out live your Grandpa Allstate!
To the Hodges: Take good care of your fish...if you ever need some "fish parenting" advice give us a call anytime!

(Christy - I was going to bring you some cookies from our little lunch today but didn't...sorry! We missed you!)

Christy said...

I know I wish I could have stayed and hung out longer but Ryan was really needed. It was just him and another guy there to help that family. Hope you guys had a lot of fun!
Thanks again for the fish! We might take you up on that fish parenting!

Andrea said...

My husband has a brother who is unmarried and childless,and, therefore, always gives the BEST (translation: kids love 'em, I hate 'em) birthday gifts. One year he gave Saylor a HUGE fish tank with a crazy-exotic fish. I was pregnant and couldn't bear the smell of the whole cleaning ordeal, so was thrilled when the poor fish (named Ena) kicked the bucket. But then we noticed that we had sea anemones growing in the tank, which were way cooler than any fish, so we tried to keep them alive, but I accidentally killed them when I cleaned out the tank. Oops. I'm a pet loser! To date we have unintentionally killed 2 fish, 2 sea anemones, one dog, and 2 rabbits. Hopefully you aren't as pet-challenged as we are. It does look like a happy little fish - and a happy girl!

Just Only Me said...

Happy does look happy! So does Madi.

Those are way cute pictures of Madi and the fishie!

The Lorenc Family said...

Awwww. I like Happy, too. (If we get a fish we'll name him GO Lucky and they can be friends.)Congrats Madi!

Ashlie said...

Oh, how fun! Your child's first pet :) Puppies, here you come! ;) Did you know there's a sushi restaurant in Boise named Happy Fish?

Christy said...

I didn't know that Ashlie...hmm sounds interesting...

Just Only Me said...

Hey, my mom left you a comment on my blog! She's so cute, there's a website that you can go to for the headers...there's my secret. (My mom rocks, I'm not creative like her!)

Unknown said...

What a cute picture! Madi and Happy look like they are getting along. Ask Ryan about their pet hampsters!