October 14, 2008

Latest Addiction and Recent Reads

The past two or three months (maybe longer) I have been addicted to reading. I have always enjoyed reading a good book, but haven't been as big of a reader after getting married and having kids... until recently! I find that I get addicted to something for a while and can't stop! Where all my free time is spent doing just that, whether it's scrapbooking, going shopping(which my husband gets nervous when that addiction springs up from time to time!), baking, blogging, reading blogs or whatever it is I get addicted to at the time, I only want to do THAT and not much else... Like last year I got into making cards, and got so excited about it that I made them day in and day out for almost three months! Yet, I haven't made cards since! And even blogging, I became utterly addicted to that too, which now I don't feel the need or desire to do it as much as I did just a few short weeks ago. I think, why can't I space things out?? You know... read a little here, do a little baking there, maybe get a couple of scrapbooking pages done today... but no, I find myself just wanting to do whatever it is that I am craving at the time. So, like I said, I have become addicted to reading. As fun as it is to read, the craving to read will probably pass soon just like everything else, but I really hope it doesn't! I wish I could manage my time better to include more things. I just need more hours in a day! Don't we all though?! :)

Anyway, I thought I would share some of the books that I have read recently. I know some of you are always looking for a good book and I recommend these...

The Peacegiver by James E. Ferrell. I read this about two months ago and absoluetly LOVED it! Life Changing!! It's one of those books that should be read at least once a year!

The Great and Terrible- The Brothers, by Chris Stewart. It is one of 6 books I believe, and it was great! It's about a family and their struggles with the decisions that were going on in Heaven before we came to this earth and how Satan through deception was able to take 1/3 of the souls of Heaven with him. I can't wait to get my hands on the next 6 books in the series!
The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom. I actually read this book a long time ago, but couldn't remember a lot of it, so I read it again. I have read a few other books by this author and have really liked them. I like the way he writes. This particular book was pretty good, not my favorite by him, but its a quick read, makes you think a lot about how important each life is on the earth and how all of us can effect each other.

Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and all I have to say is, wow! I read the Di Vinci Code a while back and loved it, and heard this one was just as good or even better. And it was! It kept me reading till early morning and late hours! Great book! I also just finished Digital Fortress yesterday which is by the same author, but I didn't like it very much at all!

I read The Writing On The Wall, by Dean Hughes. He wrote five books before this which many of you probably have heard of, Children of the Promise. These are called Hearts of the Children. I really enjoyed this book. It is the first volume of six. I just started reading volume two, Troubled Waters today and I really find myself engrossed with the characters and the story line! So far so good!

And of course the Twilight Series were really fun to read! So if you haven't read those yet, you should!


Andrea said...

I am so relieved to know I'm not the only one who becomes obsessed, yea, even addicted, to certain things and then casts them aside. I often wonder why I can't just keep a healthy balance of things in my life. It's always all or nothing for me! It is annoying. Books are almost a guilty pleasure because they are ALL I think about when I'm in the middle of one. I can't get anything done until the book is read, and then I fall into a slight depression that the story is over. Dumb. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say I feel for ya.

Just Only Me said...

Dan Brown is always good to read, he's one of my favorite authors. R.L.Stine is another. (I had every single book back in middle/high school...OBSESSED!)
I totally want to read the 'Meet In Heaven' series books, I've heard awesome stuff about them. Glad to know that you liked it!
Wanna start a tag?

RORYJEAN said...

Thanks for telling me that your blog doesn't update now that it's private- I was wondering why you hadn't blogged in so long! I missed reading it. Also, thanks for the book recommendations- I was looking for a good book to read.

LeeAnn and Boys said...

So thanks for the invite--Your e-mail had Chirsty $#%^&# in the subject so I didn't open it thinking it was some mouthy crazy person! ha ha.
so are your ordering anything from HM? I still love my glue and paper... but My cousin (Brady Family) linked to my blog is publishing Blogs!!! That sound like the best idea of all. So check it out...Maybe we could go in on something from HM? I want a deck of cards but not for big $$$$

Chelsie said...

Thanks for all of the book reviews! Someone lent me Angels and Demons to read and I still hadn't started it after a few weeks. After reading your blog I decided to start it and I'm really enjoying it so far. Thanks!

Just Only Me said...

Hey Chris, I tagged you! Check out my blog for instructions. I'm excited to read about you.

Sandie said...

I too am obsessed with reading and blogging (or so my hubby tells me!!!!)
thanks for the book reviews...always like getting recommendations!

Cristi said...

the peacegiver is my favorite book!!!