July 17, 2018

Stake Girl's Camp

Stake Girls' Camp was a totally different experience this year because I was called to be over and help the YCL - the Youth Camp Leaders. It was such a fun, busy and stressful calling at times but so worth it. I learned a lot and stretched myself more than I was use to. I got to know many of the girls and had great friendships with many of them. They are remarkable young women with so much talent and ambition! I loved working with them and planning camp with them for all the younger girls in the stake. For a special treat just for the YCL's we went zip lining! They had a blast and so did I! 

At girls' camp, Madisen was up at camp and I got to do many activities with her and our ward as well. We rode horses together and did crafts, and painting, and cooking and all sorts of fun classes that the YCL's provided for the girls. The YCL's came up with classes that they could teach the younger girls. Camp was well organized and the YCL's took charge and it was amazing to see. 
 I got to work closely with Tara Packham- Stake Camp director, Crystal Greaves- Assistant, Rachel Heward- activities specialist, Aubry Freckleton- Stake YW counselor, and my YCL partner in crime, Krystal Saxey. We got a long so well that it felt like we were just two high school girls playing and laughing all the time! I love these women and learned so much from all of them. 

The last night up at camp I found out from the Fastabend's ((some old friends in the ward I grew up in, in Boise) who were serving up at the Campgrounds) (they do that once a year and it just so happened our stake was there the week they were so it was fun to see them and talk with them many times)) that my grandpa Newman passed away earlier that day. He went fishing and drowned as his kayak flipped over. It was so shocking and devastating as I had just lost my other grandpa the month before. I cried my eyes out for a few minutes and it was so comforting to have had the Fastabend's there. Especially when I had just seen them the month before in Hawaii! 
Miss you Grandpa.


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