December 16, 2013

The newest member of our Family...

My parents came down when the girls had their TaVaci concert and let the girls open their gifts early that they got them. They each got a giant coloring/games/activity sticker book.

And my mom found a trunk and about 12 different dress up outfits for the girls. Avery has been wearing them every day since they opened them. Thanks Mom and Dad! 

BUT the biggest gift and surprise for the girls(and for me) was getting a dog. Yep. Never thought I would see the day. But he is pretty cute when he is not peeing on my kitchen floor! His name is Cooper and the girls just love him. He is about 5 months old now. He was my sister's dog, but she couldn't keep him after a month, so we bought him from her. (Thanks Celeste!) He is half Pug, half Chiwawa. The girls have done so well with him. Even Avery wants to play with him. Which is funny, because the first time Avery met Cooper, she cried and jumped on the couch and wouldn't go near him. They take care of him though and feed him and last weekend we even had them go outside and scoop up his poop. They didn't care for that too much, but it made Ryan and I chuckle. They are learning a lot about a pet and taking care of it. And I never thought I would say this either, BUT he has been good for our family. Even I like him. HUGE step for me. I can't say I "love" him...that might take me awhile, but those that know me know that "liking" a dog is HUGE. I have never liked animals that much but I find myself sometimes on the floor wrestling around with him. Weird, I know.  What's gotten into me!? :)

Emily loves to cuddle with him!

1 comment:

Cristi said...

oh how fun!!! we are not huge dog fans either but the girls are begging for a dog or a cat.