August 11, 2011

Books I enjoyed reading this month...

"Winning means Fame and Fortune.
 Losing means certain Death. 
The Hunger Games have begun..."

If you haven't read the Hunger Games, then you are really missing out. 

Really. You are. 

Don't be in

There are three books in the series. I LOVED these books. Well, truthfully I loved the first TWO books. The last one was kind of a downer and didn't end the way I thought it would.  I was a little disappointed when I finished the last book, almost to the point of yelling and thrashing about...oh, wait. I did yell and thrash about....but only for a few minutes. haha! 

Now this really makes you want to read these books, doesn't it? 

 Overall though, I really enjoyed reading these books.

In fact, I have enjoyed reading them so much, I have read the 1st book three times. And other two, twice. They are in the makes of a movie too! So excited to see the movie.


Another book I highly recommend reading is, "By Morning Light" by Rachel Ann Nunes. I picked it up last week and finished just two days later. 

For me, a "good" read is when I can't seem to put the book down and the chapters leave me hanging for more, making me read until 3 in the morning. This one did that for me. She is an LDS author that writes, women's fiction romance novels. 

I am a sucker for romance and stories that are based on true stories. This particular story I don't think is true, but it very well could be. There were moments that were quite personal to me and got me teary-eyed at times.   


I also read, "The Pelican Brief" By John Gresham. 

I have actually read this book before but it's been a few years, more like 5 years. I remember I enjoyed it the first time I read it so decided to read it again as I was itching for a "good" book to read. 

John Grisham is one of my favorite authors. Most of his books have been made into movies as well. Very good, entertaining writer. And it's pretty clean for the most part.

I have read most of the books at our house over the years...I need some recommendations for more!

What books have you enjoyed reading?


Just Only Me said...

I am not much of a reader, I'll skim the coupons. That's about the extent of it, and now thanks to you The Hunger Games is on my ever-growing list. If I ever read it, I'll let you know! We'll totally chat.

Tammy said...

I loved the Hunger Games trilogy as well. You need to read The Help next. I loved it because the author highlighted a terrible injustice in our history yet did it in a way that we were all emotionally involved and understood the depths of the injustice (as much as we could without living it). I loved this book and the movie was pretty good as well.