April 2, 2011

One Eye- Beauty.

Avery and Madisen were watching "Sleeping Beauty" that I picked up from the library. This movie is one of my favorites but it has a few scary scenes from when the witch turns into a dark fire- breathing dragon and tries to kill the prince! I saw Avery from across the room and asked her if she was scared and if she wanted Mom to turn it off. She hesitantly said, "No. I'm not scared." While never looking away from the screen.

 But this is what she was doing....

Do you believe her?

As if seeing with only one eye will make it less scary. :)


Smiles_allot13 said...

your children make the rest of the world want more children and I hope you know that you are the reason for the overpopulation :)

The Jones Foursome said...

SO FUNNY!!! I love the things kids do...

Joanna said...

Cracks me up!