August 20, 2008

A first for Madi

We were up in Rexburg this last weekend, visiting my folks and had a great time, like always! The Rexburg Rodeo was going on when we were there so we got to see again, MORE farm animals...I am seriously, all animal-out! Is that a phrase?? If not, it is now! I wish I could say this will be the end of the animal adventures for awhile, and those reading my blog are probably thinking the same thing-post after post of seeing nothing but sorry! It's hard to escape when that's what our child likes to do and talk about and nothing else. It's not that I don't enjoy it, because seeing Madi light up when she gets to be with an animal is priceless! Even Ryan loves animals but he can't be around some of them for long, because of his intense allergries to them. It's just harder for me because I have never been a so called-"animal lover". I do respect animals and appreciate those that have a passion for them, it's just not me. I am not too keen on the smells, the hairs all over the place, the worry of getting some weird skin irritation or disease from them. So for Madi, our animal adventures will continue, because seeing her light up and having such a good time with them is worth it! Don't worry though... I will spare you the pictures of the girls at the Rodeo with ALL the farm animals...haha! However, Madi did get
to ride a horse for her very first time on Saturday and she was so excited and talked about it all the way back to grandma's house (so I thought I woud post some of those pictures).
Before we got there though, she kept saying that she wanted to ride a pig, yet I don't think she was disappointed at all that she got to ride a horse instead! This horse is named Danny and the guy helping is Stewart. He was very nice to let Madi have this fun experience! And a BIG thanks goes out to Aunt Genn for making it possible!If you look closely... she is actually smiling!! She loved riding Danny, and it was so cute to see her getting that chance!
She looks like a natural cow girl, and I couldn't be prouder!


Cristi said...

Yay Madi! Don'r feel bad Christy- I'm not the biggest animal lover either.

Jessica Adams said...

I am also not an animal lover! I got mad when Spence bought Gracie a fish! They stink! I barely can get myself to clean up Gracie's crap let alone animals! I think people are either kid lovers or animal lovers! I will go with kids! :) Poor Gracie will never get a pet! I think she'll live, but she too adores any kind of animal!

Christy said...

Well I am relieved to hear that, after I posted it, I thought, I hope I this won't offend anyone! I don't want to have all these animal lovers egg my house or something! hehe!

The Suttons said...

I agree with Jessica also! I have never been a big animal fan-I would much rather deal with people or kids. That is cool that Maddy rode that horse-my kids always say they want to, but when we get close to a horse or any animal-they totally lose their minds!!