August 5, 2008

Digging for Fossils

Madisen has been so engaged in dinosaurs, ever since Grandma Graf bought her a book on dinosaurs. She loves dinosaurs and acts like a dinosaur all the time! I have posted a little bit about this in a past post. She is always asking Ryan and me, "Come play to-(with) me and be a Parasaurolophus to (with) me, pleeeese!" So at least a dozen times a day, Ryan and I are running around the house with Madi, growling in different octaves with each different dinosaur we are trying to imitate. (I am sure if the neighbors saw and heard us they would think we were periodically transforming into some supernatural creature from the Twilight Series.)
A few of her favorite dinosaurs are the noisy Parasaurolophus, the tough Ankylosaurus, the big horned Triceratops and of course the ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex. This last weekend I thought it would be fun to go "digging" for dinosaur fossils...of course it was just pretend, but Madi got so into it! She really is quite the explorer and loves going on adventures. She would say stuff like, "Look Mom! A Tyrannosaurus Rex footprint! That's a baby Compsognathus "posseal". Come over this mountain Mom. There are more dinosaur footprints up on the mountain."
Digging for "posseals" (As Madi calls it). So funny!
Avery watching Madi dig.
Finding a Tyrannosaurus rex footprint...
Avery in a high pursuit of her own...searching intently for fossils....or maybe just something to eat.Ah-ha! She found a dinosaur "fossil"! Only, she was disappointed, as she soon found out it is not something that she could eat...
More dinosaur bones... Madi still very much on the hunt...

I have always thought, We need to take Madi to a dinosaur museum. That's the only way she will really see what they were like and how big dinosaurs actually were... Which is true. Yet, she can have just as much fun or more, as she imagines being a part of their world! I mean really, who needs a real dinosaur museum when you have a park, some digging "tools" and a BIG imagination! What an adventure!!!


Unknown said...

Thats to cute. I love what kids can come up with. It always keeps kids interested. Ogden has a really cool dinosaur museum. Even Brayden thinks its pretty interesting.

Christy said...

Ya, I have heard about that museum, someday I would love to take her to it!

Andrea said...

I was going to say the same thing. Even though I've never been there, my mom says it's wonderful (but I can't be sure if she's saying that just to lure me to Ogden for a visit, or if it really is great). :) Thanksgiving Point in Lehi has an amazing dinosaur exhibit also, but the prices of admission are ridiculous. I am so not into dinosaurs (I tell people I don't believe in them), but someday I'll have to suck it up and take my kids, cause I'm sure they'd be in awe.

Ashlie said...

I'm pretty sure Idaho State has a museum on campus. I know a long time ago they had a huge dinosaur exhibit there. Maybe there's one coming back soon. Definitely something to check on. Did you know my grandpa is the locksmith at ISU?

Blake and Lara said...

How adorable are these pictures! I love that Madi is into dinosaurs so cute! I hope you guys are doing well, we sure miss everyone back in Idaho!! Did you get done with BD? I finished it the other day, I was pretty happy with it! Anywho, take care sweetie!

The Lorenc Family said...

hahaha! I love your pictures and humor in this one! I love how kids find something they love and stick to it! I can see pink and purple dino birthday cakes already!