April 19, 2008

Here she comes!

Avery started crawling almost three weeks ago and ever since then, she has this incredible detemination to try and grab and get to everything... Avery has an intense little stare, she will spot something on the ground and once she has made up her mind to get to it, nothing can stand in her way!

Watch out here she comes to take on the world...or at least our house!

And just last night she pulled herself up to a stand, holding onto the couch and also the toy box! Today Ryan went upstairs and there Avery was standing tall in her crib! Yikes! In a blink of an eye they learn something new and as parents we get so excited, but sometimes I wonder, why do we all want our kids to learn things so fast??...It's like they say, "You spend the first few years trying to get them to talk and walk, and then 18 years trying to get them to be quite and sit down..." So true... haha!!

1 comment:

The Moore Family said...

She is growing up fast!!!